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Perhatian, Diet dengan Kopi dan Lemon Ternyata Tak Efektif

Attention, Diet with Coffee and Lemon Turns Out to be Ineffective

Some people say that coffee and lemon can help lose weight.

Dream - Currently, weight loss drinks are trending. The products are very diverse, available in the form of powder, milkshake, juice, and many more. When discussing such drinks, some people may immediately recall coffee and lemon juice.

Perhatian, Diet dengan Kopi dan Lemon Ternyata Tak Efektif

With a bitter coffee flavor and the freshness of citrus lemon, both of these drinks are said to have the potential to stimulate body metabolism and effectively burn fat. Therefore, there is a claim that these two drinks can be a solution for weight loss. Is this true? Before concluding, let's first listen to the explanation.

Benefits of Lemon

According to Dr. Casey Kelly, lemon itself cannot directly reduce weight. "Adding lemon slices to water can meet hydration needs and make it a low-calorie drink. Hydration is important in weight loss and this can be a good choice," said Kelly.

Manfaat Lemon<br>

In addition, lemon has other benefits such as being rich in vitamin C which is good for the immune system. "One lemon provides 51% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C, an essential nutrient for immune health," says Davis, a nutrition expert. According to Amy Lee, a nutrition expert, the antioxidants in vitamin C can help combat oxidative stress and inflammation that can prevent weight gain.

Jim White, a sports physiologist, said that lemon juice can also increase the production of hydrochloric acid in the body, aiding digestion and nutrient absorption. So, while lemon may not play a role in weight loss, it can be a daily nutritional supplement.

Perhatian, Diet dengan Kopi dan Lemon Ternyata Tak Efektif

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "Benefits of Coffee"

It is important to continue eating enough even though caffeine can suppress appetite. Replacing food with coffee can make the body more hungry and cause overeating. Too much caffeine can also dehydrate the body and disrupt sleep quality, thus not supporting weight loss.


Keri Gans, a nutrition expert, says that there is research showing that caffeine slightly helps with long-term weight loss and is helpful in maintaining weight.

Perhatian, Diet dengan Kopi dan Lemon Ternyata Tak Efektif

Coffee can make you urinate more frequently and reduce water weight, but the effect does not last long. Research also suggests that coffee can increase metabolism and heat production in the body. It is recommended to focus on exercising to lose weight instead of relying on coffee.

"Can Lemon and Coffee Help to Lose Weight?"

"Lemon and coffee are beneficial in adding vitamin C and energy to the body. However, in the end, these two drinks are not a solution for weight loss. 'It is impossible for these drinks alone to be a magical solution for weight loss,' said Davis."

Apakah Lemon dan Kopi Bisa Menurunkan Berat Badan?<br>

Dr. Niket Sonpal, an internal medicine expert, stated that this assumption stems from health trends followed by people on social media, involving a combination of diet, exercise, as well as water and lemon juice consumption. "It is the diet and exercise that help, not the lemon," said Sonpal.

Perhatian, Diet dengan Kopi dan Lemon Ternyata Tak Efektif

White also believes that drinking fluids can make the stomach feel fuller for longer, reduce cravings, and coffee itself has appetite-suppressing effects that can help restrict calorie intake.

Perhatian, Diet dengan Kopi dan Lemon Ternyata Tak Efektif

"Can Lemon and Coffee Be Consumed Together"

There are side effects if both of these drinks are consumed together, such as, eroding enamel, changes in tooth color, and stomach discomfort like having stomach cramps.

Apakah Lemon dan Kopi Bisa Diminum Bersamaan<br>

"Healthy Diet Suggestions"

Weight loss requires a calorie deficit, either by reducing calorie intake or increasing physical activity. Davis emphasizes the importance of focusing on the nutritional value of the consumed food and recommends having breakfast before consuming lemon and coffee. He also warns against being too fixated on diet trends because they often only yield short-term results. Additionally, this also leads to a detrimental cycle of weight loss and gain that harms health.

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