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Create for the Lazy People, Lying Down on the Grass Has Its Powerful Effect

For the Lazy People, Lying on the Grass Has Its Powerful Effects

Dream - To maintain health, there are so many ways that can be done. Not only exercise, consuming healthy food, and getting enough rest, it turns out there are other non-mainstream ways that are guaranteed to effectively improve body fitness. Yup, grounding.

Grounding or grounding is a way to "connect" our bodies to the earth's electrical energy. This concept is based on the theory that the electrical charge from the earth can provide positive benefits to the body, health, and mood. The concept of grounding itself is when you touch the ground, static electrical charges and foreign charges on your body will disappear. Meanwhile, you will receive a charge of energy in the form of free electrons that help your body adapt to the natural frequency of the Earth.

For the Lazy People, Lying on the Grass Has Its Powerful Effects

Grounding can be done by walking barefoot outside, lying on the grass, or moving your fingers on the ground. So, what are the benefits that can be obtained from grounding? Let's find out more!

<b>1.	Memperbaiki Suasana Hati</b>

1. Improving Mood

According to a study, doing grounding for one hour a day can improve mood and induce relaxation, you know.

Some research participants who did grounding using conductive pillows, mattresses, and other props while relaxing on lounge chairs reported that their feelings and moods significantly improved after doing this.

2. Improving Quality of Life

2. Improving Quality of Life

Other benefits of grounding include the ability to make you more energized and reduce fatigue. People who practice grounding using a mat will feel physically and emotionally better.

"Not only that, the pain and fatigue will significantly decrease after doing this. Therefore, the researchers concluded that grounding can help improve overall health and quality of life."

3. Reducing Blood Pressure

3. Reducing Blood Pressure

There is some evidence that shows grounding can help lower blood pressure in hypertensive patients.

Based on research on 10 individuals who tried self-grounding therapy, the results showed that the blood pressure of all participants improved at the end of the study. In fact, their systolic blood pressure decreased on average by 14.3%. Wow, that's really cool!

<b>4.	Meningkatkan Pemulihan Otot</b>

4. Improving Muscle Recovery

With grounding, the muscle damage you experience due to exercise could potentially be reduced. A study shows that someone who practices grounding after exercising will experience less pain.

So, grounding has been proven to have a positive impact on healing body parts. Report by Marha Adani Putri / Source:

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