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Tengok Karya 15 Desainer Mengemas Tenun Nusantara Jadi Koleksi Megah

"See the Works of 15 Designers Transforming Indonesian Traditional Weaving into a Magnificent Collection"

Dream - Cita Tenun Indonesia (CTI) held a 15th anniversary celebration titled "LANGGAM 15: Fifteen Years of Cita Tenun Indonesia for the Nation. The event, which took place at Hotel Dharmawangsa, South Jakarta, showcased 15 fashion designers who combined 15 types of woven fabric from various regions. All of the designers' works are the result of CTI's training and development program. Let's take a look at the collection of woven fabric outfits designed by Indonesian designers.

"Priyo Oktavian"

The work of Priyo Oktavian is presented as the opening in this fashion walk event. With Balinese traditional woven fabric called songket, Priyo presents a formal attire consisting of a suit and pants.

"Wilsen Willim"

Still titled Bali's typical woven fabric, WIlsen Willim presents a modern formal attire that is combined with a Rangrang woven scarf. He combines Rangrang woven fabric with contrasting colors. There are touches of beads and ribbon ornaments, highlighting a modern nuance.


The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The three works of Eridani combine Palembang Songket weaving from South Sumatra with modern and trendy styles. Ranging from outerwear to blouses, they are combined with contemporary styles."

"Danjyo Hijoyi"

Similar to Priyo and Wilsen, Dana Maulana and Michael Simiadi from Danjyo Hijoyi took a traditional Balinese fabric called Endek. They present formal men's clothing with a modern design that combines the fabric with plain cloth.

Auguste Soesastro

"Auguste Soesastro"

The next appearance of Auguste Soesastro showcases precision in playing with the Cual or Ikat Lungsi Sambas, a distinctive textile from the Sambas region in West Kalimantan. Auguste Soesastro presents works in the form of women's tops, such as tunics and blazers.

"Didi Budiarjo"

Still using the typical Sambas woven fabric, Didi Budiardjo presents a work of a blouse with Lunggi or Sambas songket. Both blouses highlight the waist area with ruffle accents and full songket with a combination of purple, pink, and silver colors.

Didi Budiarjo

I'm sorry, but the text "Koyko" does not have a specific meaning in Bahasa. It appears to be a word or phrase that does not translate directly to English.

Khirudin Koko Rudi, who is a winner of the Next Young Promising Designer 2018, presents a long coat design that highlights the collar. The choice of blue silver color becomes its own attraction for Khoirudin's fashion creations.

I'm sorry, but the text
Sebastian Gunawan

Sebastian Gunawan

It uses the typical West Javanese woven fabric, namely Ikat Garut weaving. Sebastian Gunawan presents a modern dress that combines tulle fabric and Ikat Garut weaving. The chosen woven fabric also comes in soft pastel colors.

"Chossy Latu"

With the distinctive Halaban Songket weaving from West Sumatra, Chossy Latu presents two blazers made from full songket fabric. The base material of these blazers is then combined with plain fabric variations, as well as beads to enhance the main material, which is the Halaban songket.

"Ari Seputra"

Displaying formal clothing in the form of a one set made from Lombok Songket woven fabric, a typical fabric from West Nusa Tenggara. Ari added ribbon fringes in several parts such as the waist to enhance its appearance.

"Denny Wirawan"

Using Sumba woven fabric, Denny Wirawan showcases formal attire in the form of a suit combined with a tie and a corset belt. In terms of the selection of woven fabric colors, he highlights the elegant combination of purple and bright red, complemented with white ornaments made from other materials.

"Mel Ahyar"

Meanwhile, Mel Ahyar created a garment made of Tenun Songket Labuan Bajo from East Nusa Tenggara. With two of his casual garments, he showcased a combination of songket with plain matching material. The difference in precision can be seen from the design of the garment.

Danny Satriadi

"Danny Satriadi"

Danny Satriadi chose the traditional fabric called Sobi from Southeast Sulawesi as the main material for the outerwear. It has a modern cut made from woven fabric that has been designed in such a way, combined with bead ornaments that emerge from the clothing.

"Yogie Pratama"

Presenting a beautiful tube gown model gown that is coated with Sobi woven fabric from Sangkang, South Sulawesi. Yogie chose black Sobi woven fabric as a prominent variation on the upper part of the dress. Meanwhile, the lower part of the dress is dominated by a plain matching color.

"Era Soekamto"

"Different from other designers who highlight the modern side. Era Soekamto instead presents a clothing that adopts modern kebaya design. Changing the shape of the collar and the length of the shirt. Lukat or Lurik Ikat fabric from Solo is deliberately chosen as the main material. Report: Ardhaleva Nurul Insani"

Era Soekamto
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