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"Black Triangle on Lower Teeth, Don't Let It Ruin Your Smile"

Black Triangle di Gigi Bawah, Jangan Sampai Merusak Senyum

Dream - Sahabat Dream, have you ever heard the term black triangle? The term refers to the gap between 2 teeth caused by receding gums, resulting in a triangular-shaped gap.

Black Triangle di Gigi Bawah, Jangan Sampai Merusak Senyum

Black triangle is actually just a gap between the teeth and gums. It usually appears because the gums rise up towards the teeth. The teeth are shaped like a triangle, so there is a small space at the neck of the tooth which is usually filled with gums.

Black triangles generally appear not only on the front teeth but also on the back teeth. If they occur on the front teeth, the presence of black triangles can cause appearance problems, but on the back teeth, it also has the potential to have health impacts.

Black Triangle di Gigi Bawah, Jangan Sampai Merusak Senyum

Apart from making the appearance of teeth look less appealing, black triangles can also have an impact on health issues. These black gaps can become a place for plaque and food debris to accumulate between teeth, which can cause dental and gum health problems. Black triangles can be experienced by everyone.

Black Triangle di Gigi Bawah, Jangan Sampai Merusak Senyum
Penyebab Black Triangle

Cause of Black Triangle

According to Anna Peterson, a dentist from Essex, England, through her TikTok account, she explains that black triangles or gaps between teeth are not always caused by lack of dental hygiene.

Black Triangle di Gigi Bawah, Jangan Sampai Merusak Senyum

"Black triangles may appear in some cases after someone undergoes treatment to treat gum conditions. So, the presence of these black triangles can reflect an improvement in gum conditions after treatment, which can actually be considered a good sign that inflammation has decreased," he said."

Cara Menyamarkan Black Triangle

How to Disguise Black Triangle

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is as follows: "Cleanliness between teeth is very important to prevent gum recession. If someone does not clean the tooth cavity at least once a day, the gums can recede, creating a space between the teeth called a black triangle."

Black Triangle di Gigi Bawah, Jangan Sampai Merusak Senyum

Anna recommends various dental cleaning tools, including interdental toothbrush, water flosser, and regular dental floss. However, among all these tools, she highly recommends using interdental toothbrush as the most effective way to remove plaque bacteria between teeth.

How to Remove Black Triangle

Anne suggests that the best way to eliminate black triangles is by using the method of composite bonding or filling teeth. "Composite bonding is a cosmetic procedure in which a composite resin material that matches the color of the teeth is used and attached to cover or level out gaps or small cracks in the teeth," she said. Report by Amanda/ Source: Brightside

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