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Uban Sudah Muncul di Usia Muda, Ternyata Ini Sebabnya<br>

"Gray Hair Has Appeared at a Young Age, Apparently This Is the Reason"

Gray Hair Has Appeared at a Young Age, This is the Reason

Dream - What is the first thing that comes to mind when discussing gray hair? Perhaps immediately imagine someone who is old, because gray hair is indeed synonymous with old age.

Gray Hair Has Appeared at a Young Age, This is the Reason

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "In fact, there are many cases where gray hair can appear at a young age. So, it's not surprising if there are young people whose hair is already mixed with gray. Nevertheless, changes in hair color at a young age can still be categorized as a normal thing."

The translation of the Bahasa text "Penyebab Rambut Beruban" to English while preserving any HTML tags is: "Causes of Gray Hair".

Hair graying is related to melanin or more precisely the lack of melanin. Melanin is a pigment that gives color to the hair. It also determines eye and skin color. Scientists believe that cells that develop into melanin-producing cells can become tired, damaged, or lose the support system that should keep them functioning. Besides melanin, factors such as age, body distribution, climate, exposure to chemicals, genetic defects, hormones, pollutants, or toxins can also be the causes.

The translation of the text "Penyebab Uban di Usia Muda" from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags would be: "Causes of Premature Gray Hair".

If you feel that your hair has turned gray earlier, there may be several reasons. It could be due to ethnic background or how you live your daily lifestyle. Your environment can also be a factor. For more details, understand the following explanation.


"Usia" translates to "Age" in English.

Age and ethnicity can indeed be key factors in determining when someone falls into the early graying category. This can actually vary among individuals, but there are some estimates of early graying age based on ethnicity that can be used as a reference.

If white people, they usually start to have gray hair before the age of 20. Asians usually start to have gray hair before the age of 25, while black people tend to start having gray hair before the age of 30.

Gray Hair Has Appeared at a Young Age, This is the Reason


One of the causes of premature gray hair can be due to smoking habits. The substances found in cigarettes can damage the pigments in the hair and accelerate the aging process. If you smoke frequently, it is likely to affect the color of your hair and cause gray hair to appear more quickly.

"Environmental Factors"

The surrounding environment can also play a role in the early appearance of gray hair. Exposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun and air pollution can be the cause. Ultraviolet rays can damage the pigments in the hair, while air pollution contains substances that can affect hair health.

"Stres" translates to "Stress" in English.

Stress has indeed been identified as one of the factors that can affect hair conditions, including graying.

In some rarer cases, the emergence of gray hair at a young age can be an indication of a serious medical problem. For example, vitiligo, which affects skin pigmentation, can also impact hair color. Pernicious anemia, which is associated with the body's difficulty in absorbing vitamin B12, can also affect hair color.

Gray Hair Has Appeared at a Young Age, This is the Reason
The translation of the word

The translation of the word "Genetik" from Bahasa to English is "Genetic".

Genetic diseases can also play a role in the emergence of premature gray hair. Some of them, such as albinism, Chédiak-Higashi syndrome, Griscelli syndrome, and Waardenburg syndrome, have an impact on hair and skin color due to the involvement of melanin.

"Can Gray Hair Disappear?"

Research shows that reducing stress can contribute to temporary hair color reversal for those who are just starting to gray. For those who have been gray for a long time, it is likely that their hair will not fully return to its original color, as graying itself is part of the natural aging process. Report by Amanda Syavira / Source: is available on WhatsApp Channel, follow to stay updated on the latest information at this link

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