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"Not Just Want to Be Slim, 5 Signs You Need to Consult with a Nutrition Expert"

Not Just Want to Be Slim, 5 Signs You Need to Consult with a Nutritionist

Dream - Health is a valuable asset that needs to be well maintained. One key to maintaining optimal body health is to follow a balanced and regular eating pattern.

"Although it may sound simple, sometimes it is difficult to know whether we have met our nutritional needs to the fullest. Therefore, it is necessary to consider consulting with a nutrition expert."

Not Just Want to Be Slim, 5 Signs You Need to Consult with a Nutritionist
Not Just Want to Be Slim, 5 Signs You Need to Consult with a Nutritionist

Controlling daily intake is not the only thing that needs to be consulted with a nutritionist. Some difficult health conditions can also be a sign that you need to consult with a nutritionist. Here are some of them:

1. Tubuh Alergi<br>

1. Allergic Body

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "The itchy feeling and difficulty in breathing are some of the allergy symptoms that can be caused by consuming certain types of food. If you experience allergy symptoms that always appear and are very bothersome, try consulting with a nutrition expert."

Nutritionists will help diagnose whether symptoms experienced are caused by food allergies or intolerances. For example, in diagnosing gluten intolerance or celiac disease, it is still necessary to consume gluten during the test. Then, you will be given a diet guide that is suitable for your body condition and ensures that nutritional intake is still sufficient.

2. Stomach Twisting When Drinking Milk

2. Stomach Twisting When Drinking Milk

"When your stomach often feels bloated or you experience diarrhea after consuming dairy products, it could be a sign of lactose intolerance, which means your body cannot digest lactose properly," said Lyssie Lakatos and Tammy Lakatos Shames, The Nutrition Twins."

Intolerance depends on how much lactose is consumed. Consultation with a nutritionist can help ensure an accurate diagnosis and determine whether you can still consume dairy products or need to find alternative sources of nutrition.

3. Failed Diet

3. Failed Diet

Maybe you have tried various ways to lose weight without satisfying results. In fact, your weight increases after initially decreasing. Consulting with a nutritionist can make it easier for you to permanently lose weight.

Nutritionists not only provide low-calorie eating patterns, but also adjust the types of food according to your body condition. This will be very beneficial in the long run because you can alleviate other diseases, such as GERD or diabetes.

4. Sakit Maag atau GERD<br>

4. Stomach Ulcer or GERD

"Nutritionists can help minimize GERD symptoms by regulating a proper diet," says The Nutrition Twins. It is important to consult with a nutritionist to ensure the condition of the stomach and good food for digestive health."

5. Changes in Appetite

Drastic decrease or significant increase in appetite can be a sign that the health condition is not normal. The initial meeting with a nutritionist is considered a good step to start the process of diagnosing health problems experienced by the body. This is because it can be caused not only by changes in physical condition but also mental condition. Report: Aisyah Cryshanty/ Source:

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