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Currently on 'Caffeine Break'? There are Many Ways to Inject Energy

Currently on 'Caffeine Break'? There are Many Ways to Inject Energy

Taking a 'Caffeine Break'? There are Many Ways to Inject Energy

Dream - When you're having trouble focusing while doing activities, coffee is often chosen to improve focus and energy instantly. Coffee can provide an energy boost by stimulating the nervous system, which can make the drinker feel more awake and focused.

Coffee is indeed a practical choice for maintaining focus levels amidst busy activities, but it can also have negative impacts on health if consumed too frequently. Coffee can increase blood pressure, cause digestive problems, and disrupt calcium absorption. Starting now, Dream friends don't need to be confused about what other ways can be done to maintain energy besides drinking coffee. What are they?

1. Do Not Use Electronic Devices Before Sleep

"\u201cUsing electronic devices before sleep has been proven to disrupt sleep quality and can cause fatigue and cognitive impairment,\u201d said Tiffany Herlands, PsyD, assistant professor of medical psychology at Columbia University Medical Center in New York City."


A study found that reading eBooks before bed can have a negative impact on sleep quality and morning alertness levels. In fact, reading eBooks can also cause difficulty sleeping, you know. Therefore, researchers recommend limiting the use of electronic devices to less than 30 minutes before bed.

Taking a 'Caffeine Break'? There are Many Ways to Inject Energy
2. Increase Vitamin D levels

2. Increase Vitamin D levels

As we know, vitamin D is very important for bone health, and it is an intake that can help us stay fit. This vitamin can be obtained from sunlight or through supplements.

"When vitamin D levels are low, the body easily becomes tired. So, to prevent this from happening, it is important for you to ensure sufficient levels of vitamin D. Before deciding to consume certain supplements, try to consult with a doctor first, okay."

<b>3. Cobalah Bernyanyi</b>

3. Try Singing

Music can increase energy. A study found that if someone actively engages in music, such as through singing, playing musical instruments, or creating rhythms using certain tools, it will make them more energetic.

On the contrary, if you only passively listen to music or stories, your energy will decrease over time. So, if you are listening to music later, try to sing along to keep your energy intact.

Taking a 'Caffeine Break'? There are Many Ways to Inject Energy

4. Drinking Water

If you want to reduce caffeine consumption, drinking water is the right choice. This is very important because dehydration can cause fatigue without realizing it. Some dehydration symptoms to watch out for include irritability, confusion, dry mouth, dizziness, dry skin, as well as less frequent urination and sweating than usual.

Taking a 'Caffeine Break'? There are Many Ways to Inject Energy

Make sure that the water intake you consume is sufficient. By maintaining the fluid intake level, you will avoid the uncomfortable symptoms of dehydration.

5 Chew Gum

5 Chew Gum

According to a study, chewing gum can improve focus and help someone concentrate more on tasks or activities they are working on, you know. Interested in trying this method, Dream friend? Report by Marha Adani Putri/ Source:

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