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6 Ritual Menyambut Malam Bikin Tidur Makin Nyenyak, Coba Yuk!

6 Ritual Menyambut Malam Bikin Tidur Makin Nyenyak, Coba Yuk! 6 Ritual to Welcome the Night for a Better Sleep, Let's Try!

Dream - Quality sleep is the key to maintaining daily health and well-being. Who doesn't want to have a restful sleep every night? Unfortunately, there are many things that can make sleep less than optimal.

6 Ritual Menyambut Malam Bikin Tidur Makin Nyenyak, Coba Yuk!

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "Busy routines or unmissable work schedules can be the main cause of this problem. As a result, the body will ignore drowsiness signals in order to finish the ongoing work."

6 Ritual Menyambut Malam Bikin Tidur Makin Nyenyak, Coba Yuk!

If you often feel dissatisfied with the quality of your sleep, perhaps it's time to consider making some small changes in your daily habits. Such as by practicing the following six rituals.

6 Ritual Menyambut Malam Bikin Tidur Makin Nyenyak, Coba Yuk!

1. Set Sleeping Position

Although it can cause snoring and sleep apnea, the best sleeping position is on your back. Sleeping on your stomach will put pressure on the spine and cause upper body pain. Meanwhile, sleeping on your side can reduce pressure on the spine but may affect the hips.


Sleeping in a curled-up position can alleviate reflux and indigestion, but it can make breathing difficult. So, the key is to change sleeping positions from time to time to ensure a more restful sleep.

6 Ritual Menyambut Malam Bikin Tidur Makin Nyenyak, Coba Yuk!

2. Sleep and Wake Up at the Same Time

Did you know, Dream Friends, it turns out that sleep is influenced by the circadian rhythm or the process that regulates the cycle from sleep to wake up again. This rhythm repeats every 24 hours and varies between individuals. It is important to maintain a consistent sleep rhythm in order to sleep more soundly and wake up feeling fresher.


Waking up late due to an improper sleep pattern can have an impact on the following night's sleep. Therefore, maintaining a consistent sleep schedule is important for feeling tired and recognizing signs that it's time to sleep.

6 Ritual Menyambut Malam Bikin Tidur Makin Nyenyak, Coba Yuk!

3. Provide a Comfortable Bed

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: "Bed should only be used for sleeping, not for other activities such as watching movies, eating, or reading. Go to sleep when you really want to sleep. If you're having trouble sleeping, it's better to get out of bed first. This is done to prevent anxiety from making sleep more difficult. Make your bed a relaxing place that should be kept away from negative thoughts, my Dream friends!"

4. Avoid exercising at night and in the afternoon.

When facing a busy day, we often postpone exercising until the evening. Exercising at night can increase body temperature and make us more active physically and mentally. This can disrupt the quality of sleep and make it worse. As an alternative, engage in light activities such as walking, avoid taking hot showers, and stay away from mentally challenging activities before bed.

5. Snack Consumption

To get a better night's sleep, it is advisable to have a light snack at the same time every night. Avoid consuming heavy meals before bed, but it doesn't mean you shouldn't eat at all, my Dream friend.

5. Snack Consumption

If this is not done, you may wake up in the middle of the night and overeat. In addition, avoid energy drinks like coffee. It is better to consume herbal tea as the best option before sleeping.

6 Ritual Menyambut Malam Bikin Tidur Makin Nyenyak, Coba Yuk!

6. The Most Comfortable Atmosphere Before Sleep

The comfortable atmosphere greatly helps in facilitating sleep. Dim lights, calm music, and a comfortable bed are the keys to achieving a restful sleep. In addition, it is also important to control the noise and room temperature, ideally between 17-19°C. Make sure the bedroom is well-ventilated and turn off blue light screens before sleeping. Report: Aisyah Cryshanty/ Source:

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