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1 dari 10 Orang Indonesia Alami Gangguan Jiwa, Psikolog Ingatkan Hal Ini

1 out of 10 Indonesians Experience Mental Disorders, Psychologists Remind This

1 dari 10 Orang Indonesia Alami Gangguan Jiwa, Psikolog Ingatkan Hal Ini

Dream - The issue of mental health is currently receiving attention from the government. Minister of Health (Menkes) Budi Gunadi Sadikin recently revealed on November 7, 2023, that one in 10 people in Indonesia experience mental disorders.

The data is based on the results of the Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) in 2018. "In Indonesia, one out of ten people are detected. Early detection of mental disorders, I think, is still very weak and not yet advanced," said Budi during the Working Meeting of the Indonesian Parliament's Commission IX, which was attended online in Jakarta. Regarding this matter, Irma Gustiana, a psychologist, spoke up. According to her, people who experience mental problems do not indicate weakness. On the contrary, they are struggling to live a normal life.

"They are fighters, because they have to work hard to manage conflicts within themselves 24 hours a day/7 days a week, even for months."

"uttered Irma Gustiana, a psychologist."

There are those who are aware of experiencing problems with their mental health and seek help. On the other hand, there are also those who are unaware or choose to ignore it. This eventually leads to depression, and in the most tragic cases, death. From several suicide cases, it is known that the individuals who commit them may appear fine, but that is not the case. Support from those around them is greatly needed.

1 dari 10 Orang Indonesia Alami Gangguan Jiwa, Psikolog Ingatkan Hal Ini

"Social support from anyone who knows they experience a disturbance can be very meaningful in making them enthusiastic about living their life."
kata Irma.


"Various Types of Mental Health Disorders"

Irma said that there are various scientific studies stating that the conditions of mental disorders vary. These disorders include depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), obsessive-compulsive disorder, and others.

"If someone says that mental health disorders indicate weak personality because they are unable to cope with problems, it is a myth."
Greetings, Irma.


People who struggle with mental disorders are very strong individuals. Irma revealed that these mental patients have to face their own imperfections every day. Mental health warriors actually inspire us to understand, support, and appreciate ourselves more.

1 dari 10 Orang Indonesia Alami Gangguan Jiwa, Psikolog Ingatkan Hal Ini

Factors that Affect Mental Health Disorders

According to Irma, mental disorders are influenced by various factors. These factors include biological aspects, such as cell activity and natural chemistry in the brain, as well as psychological factors, such as emotional trauma and social pressure.

Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Gangguan Kesehatan Mental<br>

"Give Support"

When encountering a friend, sibling, or relative who is experiencing mental problems, make sure to give them encouragement and support. Do not judge, let alone trivialize what they are going through. Appreciate them for fighting to live.

"So don't say they are weak, but appreciate what they are trying to do to survive all this time."
"ujar Irma" translates to "said Irma" in English.

Report: Aisyah Cryshanty/ Source: Instagram @ayankirma

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