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7 Fakta Unik Kelinci, Pahami Dulu Karakternya Sebelum Buru-Buru Memelihara

"7 Unique Facts About Rabbits, Understand Their Character First Before Hurriedly Keeping Them"

Preserving the HTML tags, the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' is as follows: "Maintaining anabul or cute fur babies can indeed be one of the stress relievers. Because their behavior and adorable faces can entertain the 'owner' who is tired. Rabbits can be one of the favorite anabul to keep. This cute animal actually has unique characteristics and facts that not many people know. For example, carrots are actually not an ideal food for rabbits because of their sugar content, or their funny expressions that actually indicate discomfort."

Therefore, before intending to adopt or care for a rabbit, it is advisable to first find out more about the character of this cute animal.

© 2023


Is a Social Animal

Rabbits are very social animals and enjoy interacting with their own kind. Therefore, the best way to ensure their happiness is by pairing a male and a female that have preferably been neutered. Isolating this animal can cause feelings of sadness and depression in them.

"Can Live Long"

Before taking care of a rabbit, you must convince yourself and commit. Because, pet rabbits can live up to 12 years. As a prospective owner, consider carefully that you must be ready to provide care and attention to this furry animal for years.

© 2023


"Extraordinary Hearing"

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: "Rabbits have an extraordinary ability, which is to rotate their ears 180 degrees. With this ability, they can accurately locate sound sources around them. Such sharp hearing is an important survival skill."

Broad Vision

In addition to hearing, the vision of rabbits is also commendable. Although baby rabbits are born with their eyes closed, they will grow with nearly 360-degree vision after their eyes open. This wide field of vision helps them detect potential predators or threats from various angles.

"Need a Spacious Cage"

Rabbits, especially young ones, really need a spacious cage to be able to run and exercise. If they can't exercise, their rabbit bones will become weak and can break. Therefore, it is important to prepare a sufficiently large cage for them to move and play for their physical health.

© 2023


Can Express Joy

Rabbits can express their joy when they are happy, which is often known as 'binky' or salto in Indonesian language. The 'binky' activity is like jumping in the air, spinning their body, and kicking their legs that clearly show pure joy.

On the contrary, rabbits also communicate through subtle body movements. For example, tightening facial muscles when feeling anxious, or changing their body position. However, this is often misunderstood because communication through expressions is considered cute and adorable. That is why this can be considered a challenge for those who want to keep rabbits. Before taking care of this adorable animal, you must first understand their non-verbal communication to ensure their well-being.

"Suka Kebersihan" translates to "Love Cleanliness" in English.

Rabbits are animals that love cleanliness. They will carefully clean their fur, even in their ears. But, you should not bathe rabbits regularly. Because they are sensitive to water and warm temperatures.

Nah, if you want to clean their fur, simply use special rabbit talcum powder and comb it. Don't forget to also clean the cage from shedding fur, as the shedding fur can cause stress to the rabbit. So, now you know more about rabbit fur, right? As a responsible caretaker, you must ensure their well-being and understand their characteristics. Hopefully, you succeed in taking care of the rabbit and you can become good friends. Author: Farhati Haqiya Silmi

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