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Insomnia dan Depresi Ternyata Bikin Berat Badan Melonjak

"Insomnia and Depression Turns Out to Make Body Weight Soar"

Insomnia and Depression Turns Out to Make Weight Gain

Dream – More and more people are becoming aware of body health, especially weight gain. Healthy diet services to control weight and eating patterns are also increasingly mushrooming. In fact, many of them are very affordable.

Insomnia and Depression Turns Out to Make Weight Gain

Although body weight is greatly influenced by eating patterns, it turns out that its increase is not necessarily caused by excessive calorie consumption. This is sometimes what makes someone feel like their dieting process never works and their weight actually keeps increasing.

The condition can also occur even if you have exercised. So, what causes weight gain and how to control it? Dream friends need to know that weight can also increase due to several health problems. The increase can be quite drastic. Here are some health conditions that are meant:

1. Depresi

1. Depression

Depression can alter the body as a whole, including increased body weight and eventually leading to obesity. Increased cortisol hormone levels when feeling stressed, sad, or angry can cause fat accumulation around the abdomen.

Insomnia and Depression Turns Out to Make Weight Gain

In addition, depression can also affect a person's eating habits and physical activity. Some people gain weight because they are too sad, while others lose their appetite or even engage in physical activities.

Insomnia and Depression Turns Out to Make Weight Gain

It is also known that there are several drugs used to treat depression or mood disorders, but the consumption of these drugs can cause weight gain.

2. Insomnia

2. Insomnia

Lack of sleep can trigger excessive production of cortisol hormone and a spike in blood sugar. Both of these have a significant impact on weight. Cortisol hormone, known as the stress hormone, can affect the metabolism of fats and sugars in the body.

Insomnia and Depression Turns Out to Make Weight Gain

The increase in insulin is also associated with fat accumulation. In addition, lack of sleep can disrupt hormones that regulate appetite, thus triggering overeating. Especially with high-fat and high-sugar foods.

3. Menopause

3. Menopause

There are quite a few changes that occur due to menopause, including weight gain. This is caused by a decrease in estrogen levels, resulting in abdominal fat accumulation.

Insomnia and Depression Turns Out to Make Weight Gain

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Symptoms of menopause such as feeling hot or experiencing hot flashes, difficulty sleeping, and changes in mood will affect eating habits and physical activities. Sometimes, these symptoms can make it difficult for someone to maintain a healthy diet and exercise regularly."

4. Sleep Apnea

4. Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea, which is a condition where the respiratory tract suddenly stops for a few seconds. Usually, sleep apnea can be recognized from the frequent loud snoring or feeling sleepy during the day.

If sleep apnea is not immediately addressed, it can increase the risk of serious health problems, such as liver disorders, heart failure, and high blood pressure. To address sleep apnea, doctors recommend using a CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) breathing machine or other treatment methods. CPAP can help keep the airway open during sleep.

5. Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic syndrome is a combination of conditions that can occur together and increase the risk of developing heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. This condition is related to hypertension, high blood sugar levels, unhealthy cholesterol levels, and abnormal body fat levels.


The signs of metabolic syndrome can include increased weight around the waist as an early symptom. Metabolic syndrome as a whole is a condition that can have serious implications for health, particularly an increased risk of heart disease and diabetes. Report by Amanda Syavira/Source: Webmd

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