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Tips so that Live Streaming viewers want to Check Out Shopping

Tips so that Live Streaming viewers want to Check Out Shopping

Dream – Live streaming or broadcasting videos on the internet in real-time has become one of the common activities among digital enthusiasts nowadays. Some netizens utilize this service for online selling by showcasing the products or services they offer.

Tips Biar Penonton Live Streaming Mau Check Out Belanjaan

With the increasing number of social media users, live streaming has become one of the effective marketing tools in the digital era, like today. Prospective buyers can directly see product reviews, and even interact with the streaming host. Live streaming activities can be done anytime, easily. The need for live streaming is facilitated by the abundance of e-commerce managers who are starting to provide broadcasting platforms for sellers to market their products. This is the service currently provided by Lazada, which has the LazLive feature.

Tips Biar Penonton Live Streaming Mau Check Out Belanjaan

"Kami berupaya memberikan nilai tambah bagi para penjual di Lazada melalui penawaran eksklusif kami di LazLive dengan membebaskan biaya komisi penjualan produk yang terjual saat live streaming di Lazlive," ucap Ogie Baringbing selaku Head of Live Streaming Lazada Indonesia di Jakarta pada Kamis, 9 November 2023.

Tips Biar Penonton Live Streaming Mau Check Out Belanjaan

Ogie explained that a seller or seller is not enough to just hold regular live streaming through the services provided by e-commerce alone. Sellers must also innovate and be creative in marketing products sold online.

The following are some tips to make your online sales more appealing to consumers when they watch it. 1. Tips in terms of content: To create an engaging live streaming for consumers, you must remember the keyword "FAME," which stands for Fun, Attractive, Meaningful, and Engaging.

Tips Biar Penonton Live Streaming Mau Check Out Belanjaan

Let's follow the tips to make your 'online sales' more attractive to consumers when they watch it. 1. Tips in terms of Content Create an interesting live streaming. You have to remember the keyword "FAME", which stands for Fun, Attractive, Meaningful, and Engaging.

Tips Biar Penonton Live Streaming Mau Check Out Belanjaan


The following is the translation of the 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "Live streaming content must be made entertaining to keep consumers engaged in watching from the beginning until the end of the live broadcast. For example, you can hold giveaways, challenges, or other fun activities."


The following 'Bahasa' text translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The live streaming content is made as interesting as possible. Starting from the appearance of the host or streamer, the backdrop and props used are appropriate and visually appealing."


"In every live streaming, make sure there is always a message conveyed to the audience, such as promoting your products clearly."

Tips Biar Penonton Live Streaming Mau Check Out Belanjaan

"Meaningful means there must be a message to be conveyed to the audience, so it's not just talking or promoting nothing, because the purpose of live streaming on Lazlive is to promote products," explained Ogie.


Always engage with the audience, for example by asking questions about product details, doing quizzes with the audience, or simply greeting the audience.

2. Tips from the Skill Aspect Live streaming is not just about marketing products, but an activity that requires the right skills to truly persuade consumers to be interested in the products you offer.

Tips Biar Penonton Live Streaming Mau Check Out Belanjaan


To attract viewers during live streaming, the host, presenter, or streamer must have a high level of confidence in front of the camera in order to reflect trust in the promoted product.

Product Knowledge

Product Knowledge

"Before conducting live streaming, make sure the host truly understands and knows well about the product that will be promoted in order to facilitate the host's interaction with the audience."

"Effective Communication"

To perform live streaming, good communication skills are essential. The host must be able to explain the product and convince the consumers.

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