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Two Simple Things That Can Boost Self-Confidence Level

Two Simple Things That Can Boost Self-Confidence Level

Two Simple Things that Can Boost Self-Confidence Level

Dream - Maybe, many people are trying to improve their abilities to be able to do various things and work on their own. Increasing skills also make it easier for you to get and choose a job.

"However, improving skills alone is not enough. Dream friends must have self-confidence if they want to be more successful in various fields."

Two Simple Things that Can Boost Self-Confidence Level

Even so, Dream friends can get many benefits by appearing confident. Increasing self-confidence can be started in several ways. You can follow tips from a Psychology Bachelor as well as a Content Creator, Ananza Prili, to be able to appear more confident.

1. Menerima Diri Sendiri

1. Accepting Yourself

In its collaboration with Content Creator Meisya Sallwa, it revealed that acceptance is one of the main keys to feeling more confident.

Acceptance or self-acceptance is a condition where Sahabat Dream has made peace with their strengths, weaknesses, failures, and successes. When you have successfully accepted all the aspects within yourself, it will be easier for you to control your emotions and inner strength. This is what will make it easier for you to go through various things and feel more confident or not insecure.

Two Simple Things that Can Boost Self-Confidence Level

Learning to accept oneself can be started by journaling more frequently. Through this, you can write various experiences and feelings. Dream friends will also find it easier to introspect and affirm themselves by rereading the written journal.

2. Embracing Yourself

"After knowing your weaknesses and strengths, maximize them to become something more beneficial for the surrounding environment. Moreover, Sahabat Dream can turn weaknesses into strengths that are useful for others. For example, if you can't play the piano, you can find a friend to exchange skills with in order to grow together."

Two Simple Things that Can Boost Self-Confidence Level

Your strengths can also be improved and used to be more beneficial for others as well as yourself. For example, Sahabat Dream can play the guitar.

Improve your skills by playing more difficult songs or learning new techniques. You can also rely on these skills for a career in music or teach others to become more proficient in playing the guitar.

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