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Sudah Ada 34 Kasus Cacar Monyet di Indonesia, Ini Upaya Preventif Mencegah Tertular

There have been 34 cases of Monkeypox in Indonesia, these are Preventive Efforts to Prevent Transmission.

Dream - Monkeypox, or known as monkeypox (Mpox), has become a recent concern in Indonesia. In the past few weeks, the recorded cases have been continuously increasing. Data from the Ministry of Health until Sunday, November 5, 2023, revealed that there have been 34 cases of monkeypox spread across various regions, with the majority in DKI Jakarta (27 cases). The remaining seven cases are spread in various other areas, especially in the Jabodetabek region.

Sudah Ada 34 Kasus Cacar Monyet di Indonesia, Ini Upaya Preventif Mencegah Tertular

The General Chairman of the Indonesian Association of Traditional Medicine Doctors (PDPOTJI), Dr. Inggrid Tania, said that preventive efforts are important, especially for children, in maintaining immune system when facing infectious disease outbreaks, including the monkeypox virus.

"There are many ways in which we can maintain our immune system, starting from consuming balanced and nutritious food, getting enough rest, staying hydrated, to exercising."

words from Inggrid, General Chairman of the Association of Traditional Medicine Developers Jamu Indonesia, in a written statement received by Dream.

Sudah Ada 34 Kasus Cacar Monyet di Indonesia, Ini Upaya Preventif Mencegah Tertular

To prevent the spread of monkeypox, it can be done by taking simple daily steps. Here are some ways that can be done to strengthen the immune system and prevent the spread of infection.

"Intake and Vitamins"

Make sure that daily food intake contains the necessary nutrients for the body, such as vegetables, fruits, proteins, and vitamins. "In this condition, intake from outside is needed because the vitamin and mineral needs from daily food intake are not yet sufficient, therefore we need additional intake of vitamins/nutrients made from herbal ingredients. But remember, it must be safe," added Dr. Inggrid.


Regarding the selection of herbal vitamins, Dr. Inggrid suggests ensuring the safety of herbal vitamin products by checking the registration number of the National Agency of Drug and Food Control (Badan POM). If it has a phytopharmaceutical certificate, it is even better, as it has been clinically tested. Choose products that can enhance the immune system or have immunomodulatory properties. "Among natural remedies, the green meniran plant has been tested as an immunomodulator, so we searched for its raw materials and obtained them from the Central Java and East Java regions," explained Prof. Raymond in the same written statement. Meniran is apparently active against various pathogens. Therefore, both the specific and non-specific immune systems can be boosted by using this native Indonesian plant.

Sudah Ada 34 Kasus Cacar Monyet di Indonesia, Ini Upaya Preventif Mencegah Tertular

Meniran Plant

The following translation is preserved with HTML tags: "The meniran plant has undergone clinical trials for various diseases, including for patients with tuberculosis, hepatitis, acute respiratory tract infections, and German measles. Stimuno has also conducted clinical trials on meniran for mild to moderate symptoms of SARSCOV-2 virus infection. "Stimuno, as an immunomodulator, can be used to improve the immune system for prevention and therapy in patients with various viral infections," added Prof. Raymond."


"Hydration and Exercise"

Make sure your body is well hydrated by drinking enough water every day. Regular exercise can improve your body's immunity and overall health. Adequate sleep allows the body to repair itself and strengthen the immune system.

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