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"5 Ways to Overcome Sleepiness During Working Hours, Effective in Restoring Focus"

5 Ways to Overcome Sleepiness During Working Hours, Effective in Regaining Focus

Dream - The feeling of drowsiness often arises in the midst of work. It becomes a problem when you suddenly yawn during a meeting with your boss. The causes of drowsiness are varied, ranging from lack of sleep, high sugar or carbohydrate intake, lack of physical activity, to an unfavorable work environment.

Although it may sound trivial, feeling sleepy while working makes it difficult for you to concentrate. In the end, both productivity and work quality will decline. Dream friends must overcome this immediately so that they can work comfortably and more easily focus. Now, in order to save your work day in urgent situations like this, do the following ways to free yourself from drowsiness while working.

1. Sleep Before Work

1. Sleep Before Work

"On working days, try to come to the office earlier, around 15-20 minutes before working hours begin. You can use this time to take a nap peacefully."

Psychologically, you will be more prepared to start the day by giving yourself a little extra rest time. Control your sleep time in the morning so it doesn't exceed. Excessive sleep will make you sleepier and less energetic.

2.	Istirahat Sejenak

2. Take a short break

Sitting for a long time can make the body feel tired and sleepy. Try to take a short break if possible. Take a 10-minute break every two hours. After lunch, take some time to walk and stretch your muscles to make your body feel refreshed.

3.	Konsumsi Kafein

3. Caffeine Consumption

Apart from being a favorite beverage for many people, tea and coffee can also make you feel more refreshed and focused, making them suitable for consumption before work. Drinking coffee after work or late at night can make it difficult for you to sleep.

4. Snacking

4. Snacking

Did you know that consuming healthy snacks while working can help stabilize blood sugar levels in the body? When blood sugar in the body is stable, you will be more focused during work.

Choose snacks that contain balanced protein, carbohydrates, and good fats. Dream friends can consume biscuits combined with peanut butter made from whole wheat, yogurt and cereal, or fruits and nuts. On the other hand, avoid consuming foods or drinks that are high in sugar, okay.

5.	Kerjakan Tugas yang Mudah Terlebih Dahulu

5. Do Easy Tasks First

When tired, you will find it harder to concentrate. Especially when working on complex tasks or assignments. Therefore, try to complete easier tasks first.

By doing so, your energy will slowly return and be ready to complete all tasks. Report by Marha Adani Putri / Source: is available on WhatsApp Channel, follow to get the latest information at this link

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