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Si Weekend Warrior yang Hanya Bisa Olahraga Akhir Pekan

"The Weekend Warrior who Can Only Exercise on Weekends"

Apparently This is the Effect of Being a

Dream - The weekend becomes the most anticipated day, especially for Dream friends who have super busy days. We want to fill it with relaxation and self-care.

Apparently This is the Effect of Being a

Days filled with work and responsibilities make weekends a special moment to spend time with family, pursue hobbies, or engage in sports.

Apparently This is the Effect of Being a

Well, people who intentionally wait for the weekend to exercise are often referred to as weekend warriors. These individuals remain committed to engaging in intense physical activities, especially when the weekend arrives, despite having busy work schedules on a daily basis.

Apparently This is the Effect of Being a

Weekends become a golden opportunity to focus on physical activities that may be difficult to do during the daily work routine. Weekends are not only a time to relax, but also an opportunity to improve fitness and take care of health amidst the daily busyness.

"Equivalent Health Benefits"

Although unable to exercise every day, recent research shows that weekend warriors still receive significant health benefits. People who are active on weekends have a lower risk for certain health conditions, such as atrial fibrillation, heart attacks, heart failure, and strokes, compared to those who are completely inactive.

Apparently This is the Effect of Being a

This research also shows that weekend warriors provide health benefits comparable to those who exercise regularly throughout the week.

Apparently This is the Effect of Being a

From the two groups in the study involving 90,000 participants, both those who exercise regularly on weekends or those who exercise regularly throughout the week, have a lower rate of cardiovascular events, which is around 20% to 40% lower compared to those who are completely inactive.

"Weekend Warriors is an Effective Activity"

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Exercising for more than the recommended 150 minutes per week does not affect the level of health benefits. In conclusion, being weekend warriors is an effective strategy for those who have difficulty finding time to exercise every day."

Apparently This is the Effect of Being a

This research states that exercising, even just one or two days per week, provides significant benefits for heart health, reducing the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Although weekend warriors are considered good, exercising every day still provides benefits. The most important thing is to be careful when changing exercise routines and always listen to your body to stay healthy. Report by Amanda Syavira/Source is available on WhatsApp Channel, follow to get the latest information on this link

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