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Funny Mixue Memes, Don't Look at Empty Places! Everywhere
Funny Mixue Memes, Don't Look at Empty Places! Everywhere Mixue

Dream - Mixue ice cream and tea shop is currently viral. That's because the products are sold at affordable prices.

However, the presence of Mixue has made many people worried because since it first appeared in Bandung in 2020, now Mixue stores are mushrooming in various cities in Indonesia.

Even the distance from one outlet to another is quite close. This has made some netizens complain.

Even on Twitter, there are many memes about the ice cream shop because Mixue is found in almost every corner of the city.

Here are some funny Mixue tweets that are popular on Twitter.

1. Empty Room


Memes made by netizens about Mixue. One of them is this tweet that is worried about their empty room turning into Mixue because they leave it for a long time.

2. Saidah Tower


Saidah Tower has been known to be empty for quite some time, maybe Mixue will stand here.

3. Empty Shop


Most Mixue shops are located in shops, so be prepared when the shop is empty, there will be Mixue present.

4. Mascot Resembling Lia Eden


Some people say that the Mixue logo resembles Lia Eden because of the similar red staff and robe.

5. Ziva Magnolya


Mixue trending on Twitter makes Ziva Magnolya also make tweets about this ice cream shop.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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