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Meaning of Naudzubillah Min Dzalik, an Expression in Islam when Encountering Bad Things
Meaning of Naudzubillah Min Dzalik, an Expression in Islam when Encountering Bad Things Illustration of praying. (Photo:

Dream – Naudzubillah min dzalik is a phrase that is not unfamiliar to the ears of Muslims. The phrase naudzubillah min dzalik is uttered when encountering something bad.

The phrase naudzubillah min dzalik is certainly more appropriate to be said than using foul language when encountering something bad. This phrase also contains a prayer to Allah to be protected from bad things.

So what is the actual meaning of this phrase? Let's find out more in the following discussion!

Meaning of the Phrase Naudzubillah Min Dzalik

The phrase naudzubillah min dzalik comes from the Arabic language:

نَعُوْذُبِاللهِ مِنْ ذَالِكَ

The meaning of that phrase is “we seek refuge in Allah from that (referring to something bad).”

The phrase consists of the verb naudzu which means we ask for protection. Uttering this word means that someone acknowledges that they are unable to protect themselves from bad things. It is to Allah that someone seeks protection and safety from all evil.

The meaning of naudzubillah min dzalik is to pray to Allah that He always protects us from bad things.

Then in the science of nahwu, the word billahi is a majrur noun with the letter ba' which means 'to'. And majrur 'Allah' refers to the Lord of the Universe.

This phrase affirms that He is Allah, the Most Protecting. There is no greater power than His. He is the one who gives strength to every servant of His. Including the strength to protect oneself from bad things.

Furthermore, the phrase min dzalik is also a series of majrur nouns. The letter 'min' means 'from', and majrur 'dzalika' is a demonstrative pronoun meaning 'that'. This phrase is used to refer to something that is seen or heard. So when a Muslim utters the phrase naudzubillah min dzalik, it means that they are seeing or hearing something bad.

Usage of the Phrase Naudzubillah Min Dzalik

So when is the appropriate usage of the phrase naudzubillah min dzalik? As mentioned earlier, this phrase is used when someone witnesses or hears something bad or horrifying. Here are some examples of the appropriate usage of the phrase naudzubillah min dzalik uttered by a Muslim:

  1. When hearing news of sinful acts, Muslims are advised to say the phrase naudzubillah min dzalik.
  2. When hearing stories about the realm of barzakh and hell. We ask Allah to keep us away from His severe punishment.
  3. When knowing that someone else is being mugged, robbed, or stolen from. This phrase is uttered to protect ourselves from muggers and thieves.
  4. When hearing someone being angry and using foul language. Uttering the phrase naudzubillah min dzalik will keep us away from the influence of easily getting angry and using foul language.
  5. When hearing news of fraud and corruption, by reciting this phrase, we hope to be protected from the desire to deceive and engage in corruption.
  6. When hearing news of a disaster in a certain place. In addition to saying naudzubillah min dzalik, it is also recommended to say the phrase innalillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un.

That is the meaning of naudzubillah min dzalik along with its meaning as a prayer to Allah SWT. By uttering this phrase, may we be protected and kept away from all things that are bad.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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