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Moment of Teacher Teaching Visually Impaired Students to Get to Know Their Environment Touches Netizens' Hearts and Brings Tears
Moment of Teacher Teaching Visually Impaired Students to Get to Know Their Environment Touches Netizens' Hearts and Brings Tears Moment of Teacher Teaching Visually Impaired Students to Get to Know Their Environment

Dream - For our visually impaired brothers and sisters, walking with the help of a cane is one way to carry out activities.

Some have even experienced blindness since childhood and had to learn to walk using a cane.

Recently, a video of a teacher teaching a visually impaired child to use a cane went viral on social media.

The video, which touched netizens' hearts and brought tears, was shared by the Instagram account @statusfakta.

"A teacher is teaching a visually impaired child how to get to know their surroundings," the account wrote.

Teacher teaching visually impaired student to get to know their environment.

In the 30-second video, a young girl with visual impairment is seen trying to learn to walk.

Using a cane in her right hand, the little girl in a headscarf taps her cane against the wall and floor.

Teacher teaching visually impaired student to get to know their environment.

Apparently, that's how visually impaired people get to know their surroundings when walking.

The girl walks while being accompanied by a patient teacher who gives her instructions.

Occasionally, the male teacher corrects the little girl's movements when she taps her cane against the wall and floor alternately.

When her cane touches a garbage bin, the teacher tries to ask her student about it.

Teacher teaching visually impaired student to get to know their environment.

'What is this?' the teacher asks, and the visually impaired student answers 'Trash bin'. The teacher then confirms the student's answer.

The lesson on walking and getting to know the environment continues. This time, the little girl's cane touches a door.

The teacher asks her student about it, and she answers correctly. The teacher praises her student for being smart in learning.

Teacher teaching visually impaired student to get to know their environment.

The video of the visually impaired girl learning about her environment has garnered various comments from netizens.

Many pray for the patient and diligent teacher who teaches the visually impaired girl how to get to know her environment.

They also pray for the little girl to become successful in this world and the hereafter.

Source: Instagram

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A post shared by STATUS FAKTA (@statusfakta)


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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