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Portrait of Sleeper Bus Juragan99, The Luxury of a Walking Capsule Hotel
Portrait of Sleeper Bus Juragan99, The Luxury of a Walking Capsule Hotel Sleeper Bus Juragan99 (Mas Arkan's YouTube)

Dream - Now traveling to other cities using a bus is becoming easier. There are many fleets to choose from, ranging from ordinary facilities to exclusive classes.

Various innovations introduced by service companies are becoming more intense, one of which is Juragan99 Trans. This land transportation business founded by Gilang Widya Pramana has a fleet of 'sleeper buses'.

This Malang-based company offers bus facilities with rooms and only has a capacity of eleven passengers.

The appearance of this 'sleeper bus' is indeed different from ordinary buses. It is more luxurious and exclusive. The ticket alone is priced at Rp620 thousand for the Sleeper class, and Rp640 thousand for the Sleeper Top class.

sleeper bus juragan99

As seen from Mas Arkan's YouTube, this bus nicknamed 'Kobochan' is shaped like a capsule hotel.

sleeper bus juragan99


The Sleeper Top class is located at the front. Passengers can clearly see the front view. There is also a large-sized foldable television provided.

sleeper bus juragan99


As for other Sleeper class buses, the seats can be folded into a reclining position. Passengers are provided with pillows, blankets, and several features.

sleeper bus juragan99

As the name suggests, which provides convenience for sleeping during the journey, passengers will be given eye covers and headsets that can be used for entertainment while lying down in the bus. They can also snack because they also get snacks.

sleeper bus juragan99

In addition to snacks, passengers can also enjoy hot drinks at the back. There is a special place for a dispenser, tea, coffee, milk, and other drinks.

sleeper bus juragan99

The condition of the toilet also looks good. It is quite spacious and comfortable with a sitting toilet.

sleeper bus juragan99


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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