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This Man Has 12 Wives, 102 Children, and 568 Grandchildren, Claims to be Exhausted because He Can't Support His Family
This Man Has 12 Wives, 102 Children, and 568 Grandchildren, Claims to be Exhausted because He Can't Support His Family This Man Has 12 Wives, 102 Children, and 568 Grandchildren, Claims to be Exhausted because He Can't Support His Family

Dream - Getting married and having children is the desire of almost every adult. However, building a family is not an easy path, it requires hard work and significant costs.

That's why most people usually only get married once in their lifetime. However, it's different for this man from Uganda. According to him, marriage is so easy that he can't stop doing it.

His name is Musa Hasahya, at the age of 67, he has 12 wives, 102 children, and 568 grandchildren.

Musa married his first wife, Hanifa, in 1971 at the age of 16 after dropping out of school. Two years later, he became a father for the first time.

When asked why he has such a large family, Musa answered that he is not satisfied with having just one wife.

Not only that, as a village chief and businessman, he decided to expand his family because he has money and land.

"Because I can afford it, I decided to expand my family by marrying more women," said Musa, as quoted from Daily Star.

Musa's children have different ages, some are already married and some are still in school.

Even Musa's last wife, Kakazi, is younger than some of Musa's grandchildren. Musa himself stated that he can recognize his children but doesn't know all their names.

However, now he is asking for government assistance. He admits that he is struggling to pay for the education of all his children. Musa also asks all his wives to take birth control pills to prevent pregnancy.

Despite having such a large family, his family members say that they are generally doing fine.

There are no fights between his wives and children. But if there is a misunderstanding, he resolves the issue peacefully without any signs of violence.

Report: Erdyandra Tri Sandiva

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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