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Who is the Owner of Yeti Airlines that Crashed in Nepal and Killed 68 Passengers?
Who is the Owner of Yeti Airlines that Crashed in Nepal and Killed 68 Passengers? © MEN

Dream - Nepal-based airline, Yeti Airlines, with the route Kathmandu to Pokhara, crashed on Sunday, January 15, 2023.

This incident is referred to as the deadliest plane crash in Nepal. As of Monday, January 16, 2022, 68 bodies have been recovered.

About 15 passengers were foreigners, including five Indian citizens, four Russians, two South Koreans, and one each from Ireland, Australia, Argentina, and France.

So who is the owner of Yeti Airlines?

Yeti Airlines was founded by Ang Tshering Sherpa in May 1998, which received the Air Operator Certificate on August 17, 1998.

Based on information from its official website, Yeti Airlines started its first commercial flight in September 1998 with a Canadian-made DHC6-300 Twin Otter aircraft. Yeti Airlines has been operating for over two decades.

"We operate ATR 72 in major cities in Nepal," quoted from the statement on Tuesday, January 17, 2022.


In 2009, its sister airline Tara Air was established to take over the Short Take Off and Landing (STOL) operations with a fleet of DHC6-300 and Dornier DO228 aircraft. 

Yeti Airlines itself has maintained its modern fleet consisting of five ATR 72-500 aircraft operating in the non-STOL domestic sector in Nepal. 

"Both airlines together continue to provide the largest flight route network throughout Nepal," added Yeti Airlines.

Yeti Airlines is part of Yeti World, the largest travel and tourism group in Nepal. 

"With a track record of extraordinary success and excellence, the Yeti World group of companies provides unparalleled services to travelers in this magical Himalayan Kingdom," he said.

Yeti World offers boutique hotels and accommodations; airlines and helicopter services; tour operators and agents; logistics and expedition specialists.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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