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"4 Things to Avoid When Undergoing a Pregnancy Program"

4 Things to Avoid When Undergoing a Pregnancy Program

Dream - Going through a pregnancy program indeed requires the commitment of prospective mothers and fathers. In some cases, lifestyle changes are highly necessary for the body to produce healthy sperm and egg cells.

4 Things to Avoid When Undergoing a Pregnancy Program

Husband and wife who are undergoing a pregnancy program may have already undergone examinations, consumed a number of vitamins, and undergone special therapy, but there are many factors that often prevent pregnancy from happening.

4 Things to Avoid When Undergoing a Pregnancy Program

One of them is due to an unhealthy lifestyle. For Dream Friends who are currently undergoing a pregnancy program, it is highly recommended to avoid the following four things to increase the chances of pregnancy. Take note, okay.

1. Consuming Too Much Caffeine

Drinking a cup of coffee a day is considered safe and can bring benefits to the body, but also pay attention to the caffeine content. Caffeine is not only found in coffee but in many beverages and foods. Avoid consuming high levels of caffeine as it can have negative effects on fertility.


"Avoid consuming more than 200 milligrams of caffeine per day, as it has the potential to affect fertility. However, evidence regarding the relationship between caffeine and fertility is still varied, and it is advisable to consult with a doctor," said Molly Quinn, MD, FACOG, a reproductive endocrinologist and infertility specialist at HRC Fertility's Pasadena, California.

2. High Fat Food Consumption

Is there any food that should be avoided when trying to conceive? Yes and no. Although we can still occasionally eat french fries, fast food is associated with longer time to conceive.


"Consuming vitamin-rich foods, such as fruits, vegetables, grains, lean proteins, healthy fats, and high antioxidants, can help support fertility improvement," said James Nodler, MD, a specialist in infertility at CCRM Fertility's Houston clinic. The best way to obtain the vitamins, minerals, fats, proteins, and other nutrients needed to support a healthy immune system and pregnancy is through a colorful and fresh food menu."

4 Things to Avoid When Undergoing a Pregnancy Program

Try to consume plenty of colorful vegetables and fruits and as little fried or instant food as possible.

3. Excessive Exercise or Too Much Lying Down

It is important to stay active when trying to conceive, however, research links heavy exercise and high intensity with a longer time to conceive.


"\u201cExcessive high-intensity exercise can disrupt the hormones necessary for egg production and ovulation in women,\u201d said Alex Robles, MD, a reproductive endocrinologist at the Columbia University Fertility Center. Look for types of exercise that keep the body active but do not drain too much muscle strength and cause stress. Also, avoid excessive lying down and sitting, as it can trigger weight gain that can have a negative impact on fertility."

4. Stay awake

Like sleeping late or even in the early morning? Immediately leave this bad habit for your fertility. Sleeping too late tends to make the level of stress hormone or cortisol very high, which can be a factor in difficulty getting pregnant. If you are indeed experiencing sleep problems, do not delay consulting a doctor.


"Sleep is very important for all of our bodily functions, including fertility. Research shows a possible link between sleep disorders and infertility," said Dr. Robles. From now on, avoid the four things mentioned above to ensure a smooth pregnancy journey, Sahabat Dream. Source: The Bump."

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