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60 Kata-Kata Bijak Rumah Tangga Islami, Hubungan Makin Harmonis dan Selalu Diberkahi

"60 Wise Islamic Household Words, Relationships Becoming More Harmonious and Always Blessed"

Dream - Getting married is a big decision made by a man and a woman. It's not just about uniting two hearts into one, but also about uniting two minds and two families. It cannot be denied that each individual surely has different thoughts and characteristics, but they must be united. In Islam, getting married is one of the acts of worship performed while adhering to the established sharia. It is hoped that through this marriage, they will become a family that is harmonious, loving, and full of mercy.

To maintain the harmony of the household and always be blessed, you can use wise pearls of Islamic household. Wise words of Islamic household can be a guide as well as inspiration to live a more harmonious and happier life together with your partner.

60 Wise Islamic Household Words, Harmonious Relationships and Always Blessed

"Pearls of Wisdom: Wise Islamic Quotes for Husband and Wife"

Building a household, of course, both parties must work together to maintain harmony. Here are some wise Islamic husband and wife pearls: "A righteous wife is a wife who is obedient to her husband and fulfills the commands of Allah and His Messenger." "A righteous husband is a husband who can guide his wife on the path approved by Allah and His Messenger."

"Successful marriage is not when you can live peacefully with your spouse, but when you cannot live peacefully without them." "For Muslims, it is the husband's duty to have a good religious education and ensure that his wife also receives a good religious education." "A wife prefers a husband who can be a support in her life rather than being wealthy but hurting her heart."

"The husband and wife must play a role like the two wings of the same bird. They must work together or their marriage will never reach the surface." "One of the most beautiful ways to worship Allah is through marriage." "Never speak ill of your husband to anyone."

"The luckiest wife is the one who is blessed by Allah with a patient and loving husband, full of warmth and tenderness, willing to help and sincere at heart. When he is away, the wife misses him. When he is around, the wife wants to be close to him. "If your partner is angry, you must remain calm. If one is fire, the other must be water."

"Wise Islamic Household Words that Calm the Heart"

"True love does not end with death. If Allah SWT wills it, love will continue until heaven." "Speak words that touch the heart and make your wife happy." "The heart of a home is a wife. If your wife's heart is not happy, then the whole house will not be happy."


"This world is an adornment, and the best adornment is a righteous woman." - HR. Muslim"My husband may not be perfect, but he is perfect in my eyes."A woman is like a flower, they should be treated gently, kindly, and with love."There are four requirements in every happy marriage. The first is faith, and the rest is trust."

"Marriage is like a mosaic that we create with our partner, millions of small moments that become a love story." "No matter who Allah pairs us with, be grateful for their strengths and be patient with their weaknesses." "A good husband will wipe away his wife's tears, but a great husband will listen attentively to his wife's story that makes her cry."

"Words of Wisdom Islamic Husband and Wife Filled with Meaning"

"A man is not only responsible for providing for his family in this world. As a husband, a man must also be accountable for the future of his family in the afterlife." "When a man says 'I do' in a marriage ceremony, it means that he is saying 'I accept the responsibility to serve, love, and protect her'."

"A man dreams of a perfect wife, a woman also dreams of a perfect husband. However, both of them do not realize that they were created to complete each other. Like a pair of shoes, together but still one. Because one alone will be useless. Any woman who passes away while her husband feels content with her, she will enter paradise."

"Getting married is half the journey of devotion to Allah and part of the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad." "The best love is marriage. And the best way to love is to pray for each other." "No matter how expensive a pillow may be, it can never replace the comfort and tranquility of leaning on a husband's shoulder."

"Do not ever love someone who does not love Allah. If he leaves Allah, what about you?" - Imam Shafi'i "Our love is the best love because you have made my faith increase and helped me in this world. That is why I want to meet you again in heaven."

"Wise Words of Islamic Household\u00a0that are Always Blessed"

"Sakinah, mawaddah, and rahmah do not appear by themselves, but must be sought together with the wife." "When a husband and wife pray together, they are actually sharing an intimacy that cannot be created in any other way. It is an extraordinary feeling." "Continue to take care of each other to always stay close to Allah. Hopefully, together we will enter paradise."

"Marriage is a blessed love. In the beginning, it is a promise, then it becomes worship, and in the end, God willing, it will be accepted." "Whatever you spend with your family will later become a source of blessings from Allah. Even with a bite of food that you feed to your spouse's mouth." "When husband and wife look at each other with love and affection, Allah looks at both of them with a gaze of love and affection."

"Our love is the best because my faith increases. You help me in this world, and because of that, I want to meet you again in heaven." "Marriage is a worship, and every worship leads to His love as the goal. It is only fitting that every effort to attain His love is done with joy." "A husband who honors his wife will receive the most beautiful place in the sight of Allah SWT.""

60 Wise Islamic Household Words, Harmonious Relationships and Always Blessed

"Our love is the best love because you have made my faith increase, also helped me in this world. That's why I want to meet you again in heaven.""

"Pearls of Wisdom for Islamic Husband and Wife to Maintain a Harmonious Relationship"

"No matter how expensive a pillow is, it will never be able to replace the comfort and tranquility of a husband's shoulder to lean on."My husband may not be perfect, but he is perfect in my eyes.""


"A husband said to his wife, 'If heaven is a flower, I will pick it for you. If heaven is a bird, I will catch it for you. If heaven is a house, I will build it for you. But, because heaven is a place that no one has ever seen, I will pray to Allah to prepare it for you.' 'The best among you husbands are those who have the best character towards their wives.' 'Indeed, the world is full of adornments, and the best adornment of the world is a righteous wife.'"

"A righteous wife will treat her husband like a king, love him like a prince, but she also does not forget to constantly remind her husband that he is only a servant of Allah." "My husband, fear Allah. Do not feed us except with what is halal. Indeed, we can be patient with little food, but we cannot be patient with the heat of the fire of Hell in the hereafter." "Respect your wife as you respect your mother. Because your wife is also a mother to your children."

"Your wife is your sustenance. Your wife is your choice. Your wife is your destiny. So do not look at others' possessions and do not compare them to women who are not yours." A husband who honors his wife will receive the most beautiful place in the sight of Allah SWT.

"Wise Words for Islamic Household"


"A happy household is one that is built on the foundation of faith and fear of Allah."

"Happiness in a household is not just about material perfection, but harmony in the relationship between husband and wife who respect and love each other."

"As the leader of the family, the husband is responsible for the sustainability of the harmony in the household, while the wife is a faithful partner in carrying out that task."


"Patience and understanding are the keys to maintaining harmony in a household." "Good and open communication between husband and wife is the main foundation in building a strong and happy household." "Educating children with love and Islamic role models is a trust that must be fulfilled by both parents." "An Islamic household is one that always prioritizes the pleasure of Allah in every step and decision."

"Sticking to the teachings of Islam will guide the family in overcoming every trial and tribulation that comes." "Making time to worship together as a family will strengthen the deep spiritual bond between family members." "Every problem in the household can be resolved with guidance and instructions from the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad SAW."

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