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Want to Have a Child? This Prayer is for Soon Obtaining a Good Offspring

Dream - Having offspring is something desired by most married couples. It is important to pay attention to the readiness of couples who are ready to have children. Because having a child is a great responsibility that needs to be carried out as best as possible. Educating a child to become a good person is a heavy task for every parent. Parents are obliged to fulfill their children's rights. Not only material needs, but also the right to affection and good education. And of course, every parent wants their descendants to become good children. This needs to be prepared from the beginning, even before the existence of a fetus in the womb.

"For Dream friends who are ready to have children, practice this prayer to quickly receive a good offspring. This prayer contains hopes for Allah to quickly bestow a good offspring. This prayer to quickly receive a good offspring was also recited by Prophet Ibrahim (as) and Prophet Zakariya (as). Here is the prayer reading:"

Want to Have a Child? This is a Prayer to Immediately Get Good Offspring

1. The Prayer of Prophet Zakariya

The following 'Bahasa' text translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The prayer of Prophet Zakariya (peace be upon him) is practiced as a prayer to have righteous offspring. This prayer is mentioned in Surah Al-Imran, verse 38. Prophet Zakariya was already old at that time, but he had not been blessed with a child. After reciting this prayer, Allah granted the request of Prophet Zakariya and placed a fetus in the womb of his previously barren wife. The son of Prophet Zakariya, Prophet Yahya, was born into the world by the power of Allah."


"رَبِّ لَا تَذَرْنِي فَرْدًا وَأَنتَ خَيْرٌ الْوَارِثِينَ
Artinya: "Ya Tuhanku janganlah Engkau membiarkan aku hidup seorang diri dan Engkaulah Waris Yang Paling Baik.""


2. Prayer to Quickly Obtain Good Offspring

The following text is a prayer to immediately have a good offspring, quoted from the prayer of Prophet Ibrahim. Prophet Ibrahim got married when he was in his 70s. Then Prophet Ibrahim always recited the prayer mentioned in Surah As Shaffaat verse 100 as follows:


Rabbi hab lī minaṣ-ṣāliḥīn
Meaning: "O my Lord, grant me (a child) from among the righteous."

Want to Have a Child? This is a Prayer to Immediately Get Good Offspring

3. The Prayer of Prophet Ibrahim

The following text in 'Bahasa' translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The prayer to have a good offspring is quoted from the prayer of Prophet Ibrahim. It is known that after the birth of Ismail, Prophet Ibrahim was commanded to leave his family. However, at that time, his wife and baby were in a dry and barren land. Prophet Ibrahim, feeling compassion, then raised his hands and prayed as stated in Surah Ibrahim verses 35 and 40:"


"(35) Rabbij'al hāżal-balada āminaw wajnubnī wa baniyya an na'budal-aṣnām. Rabbij'alnī muqīmaṣ-ṣalāti wa min ẓurriyyatī rabbanā wa taqabbal du'ā Meaning: "O Lord, make this city (Mecca) a safe city, and keep me and my descendants away from worshipping idols. O our Lord, make me and my descendants establish prayer, O our Lord, accept my supplication.""

4. Prayer to Immediately Obtain Good Offspring

"رَبِّ هَبْ لِي مِنْ لَدُنْكَ ذُرِّيَّةً طَيِّبَةً ۖ إِنَّكَ سَمِيعُ الدُّعَاءِ... Rabbi hablii milladunka dzurriyyatan thayyibah, innaka samii'u ddu'a. Meaning: "O my Lord, grant me a righteous offspring from You. Indeed, You are the Hearer of supplication." (Quran, Ali Imran: 38)"

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