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Bukan dengan Kekerasan, Begini 5 Cara Suami Menasihati Istrinya Sesuai Syariat Islam

"Not with Violence, Here are 5 Ways Husbands Advise Their Wives According to Islamic Shariah"

Islam provides teachings on how to advise one's wife in a good manner.

Dream - Islam has provided good teachings on how to build a healthy, peaceful, and harmonious household. Both parties, the husband and wife, must treat each other well. In addition, it is important to fulfill each other's rights and obligations. As explained in the words of Allah SWT through Al-Baqarah verse 228: "And women (wives) have rights similar to their obligations in a just manner. But men have a degree over them."

In addition, regarding the bad behavior of the wife, this does not mean immediately scolding the wife. However, Islam provides teachings on how to advise the wife in a good manner. Here is how to advise the wife according to Islamic law as summarized by Dream through various sources.

Not with Violence, Here are 5 Ways Husbands Advise Their Wives According to Islamic Sharia
Cara Menasihati Istri Sesuai Syariat Islam

"How to Advise Wife According to Islamic Sharia"

"When a wife misbehaves, Islam teaches how a husband should handle it well according to Islamic law, as stated by Ustadz Muslim Al-Atsari:"

1. Self-Correction

A husband should reflect on himself, whether he has fulfilled his wife's rights well. Then, have you still been doing bad deeds all this time? Because the bad behavior of a wife may have certain reasons. For example, from the husband's own actions. So, Islam teaches to correct oneself first, and then improve it. God willing, there will be a better change in the future.

Allah SWT said in Surah An-Nisa verse 79: "Whatever blessings you receive are from Allah, and whatever calamities befall you are from your own doing."

Not with Violence, Here are 5 Ways Husbands Advise Their Wives According to Islamic Sharia

2. Soft to Wife

Islam teaches that husbands should be gentle towards their wives. This has also been explained by Allah SWT in His words through Surah An-Nisa verse 19: "And live with them (wives) in kindness. For if you dislike them - perhaps you dislike a thing and Allah makes therein much good."

Then, in a hadith it is also explained, the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: "Gentleness is not found in anything except that it beautifies it. And harshness is not removed from anything except that it makes it ugly." (HR. Muslim no. 2594)

3. Educating Wife

"In this world, there is no perfect human being. The same goes for a wife. Well, besides treating your wife well, a husband should also be able to educate her towards a better direction. The Prophet Muhammad said, 'Treat women well. Women were created from a rib bone, and the most curved part of the rib is the upper part. If you try to straighten it, it will break. But if you leave it, it will remain curved. So, be good to women.' (HR. Bukhari, no. 5186; and Muslim, no. 1468/60)"

Then, in the Quran, Allah SWT says: "Women (wives) whom you fear their disobedience, advise them and abandon them in bed, and strike them. But if they obey you, then do not seek ways to harm them. Indeed, Allah is Exalted in Might and Great." (QS. An-Nisa: 34)

Through the above verse, Allah SWT provides guidance in dealing with a wife who is disobedient to her husband. The following are the steps: Giving adviceLeaving her in bed (not sleeping with her)Hitting the wife.Hitting is done if the two previous steps do not have a positive impact. So, hitting is a form of punishment. However, not hitting would be better. Because Prophet Muhammad never hit his wives.

Not with Violence, Here are 5 Ways Husbands Advise Their Wives According to Islamic Sharia

4. Pray a lot

All problems in life should be conveyed to Allah SWT through prayer. Including when facing the bad behavior of a wife. So, pray to Allah SWT and let Allah SWT fix it. Pray continuously with sincere intentions and never get bored. The Prophet Muhammad said, "Prayers will be answered for one of you as long as they are not hasty. That is, he says, 'I have prayed, but it has not been answered for me.'" (HR. Bukhari, no. 6340; Muslim, no. 2735)

5. Forced Divorce

"When the above methods have been done and do not provide positive changes, then you can choose. Namely, to remain patient and behave well or to divorce. As stated by Allah SWT in Surah Al-Baqarah verse 231: 'And when you divorce women and they have reached the end of their waiting period, then either retain them in an acceptable manner or release them in an acceptable manner.'"

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