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Di Balik Bandelnya Anak Remaja, Ada 3 Hal yang Penting Diketahui Orangtua

"Behind the Stubbornness of Teenagers, There are 3 Important Things That Parents Need to Know"

Behind the Stubbornness of Adolescents, There are 3 Important Things that Parents Should Know

Dream - Becoming a parent can be said to be an endless learning of difficult things. After the child goes through childhood, they will enter the teenage phase where they tend to protest and be full of 'rebellion'.

Behind the Stubbornness of Adolescents, There are 3 Important Things that Parents Should Know

His cognitive abilities are developing rapidly but his emotions are not yet stable. This makes parents often feel that their child has become a very different person and label them as 'naughty'.

The phase of rebellion experienced by teenagers is very common. Teenagers often lie and their relationship with their parents becomes strained. Teenagers who start to rebel often make parents wonder. What is actually happening with them?  

Behind the Stubbornness of Adolescents, There are 3 Important Things that Parents Should Know

Apparently, many parents still apply a parenting style when their child is still a toddler, which is one-way only. Rules are made rigidly without giving the child the opportunity to argue and discuss.

This becomes one of the factors that make children become more rebellious and make parents feel that their children are more stubborn during adolescence. "Research has proven that parents who show openness to debate and negotiation rather than demanding compliance have children who are psychologically healthier," said Dr. Emily Edlynn, a psychologist who is also the author of the book Parenting for Autonomy.

Behind the Stubbornness of Adolescents, There are 3 Important Things that Parents Should Know

As parents, they may feel that being strict is the right thing to do to protect their children. However, it turns out that the lack of communication in establishing rules and boundaries for teenagers can backfire on the relationship between parents and children.

Then what should be done in dealing with teenagers? Come on, let's examine 3 important things that parents need to know about teenagers.

1. Teenagers Want to Be Trusted

As parents, Sahabat Dream surely wants the best for their children. All prohibitions and rules within the family are certainly made based on love and the desire to protect them. It is important to know that teenagers also want to be trusted. They want their parents to start entrusting them with responsibilities and important decisions in their lives.

Try to give teenagers the authority to be responsible and make their own decisions about certain aspects of their lives. Such as the classes they will take, hobbies and interests, and let them be responsible for their decisions, whether they are right or wrong.

2. Remaja tidak Mau Terlalu Dibatasi, Bukalah Diskusi

2. Teenagers Don't Want to Be Too Restricted, Open Up the Discussion

Teenagers actually understand that the restrictions imposed by parents are for their own good. Teenagers just want their parents not to be excessive in controlling.

Quietly, they also want to be involved in the making of rules that are applied to them. Try to involve teenagers in making rules. Teenagers will feel more valued and will happily follow the rules that are made together. Do not hesitate to discuss and debate healthily.

"Teenagers Want to Be Understood"

Although often seen as indifferent, teenagers secretly want to be understood and noticed. Teenagers who are growing up really need emotional support in their development. For example, if parents disagree with one of their actions, try to talk calmly without judging and getting angry.

Speaking to teenagers in a negative way such as nagging or getting angry immediately will make them feel unappreciated and underestimated. Report by Salma Rihhadatul Aisy. Source: Parents.

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