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Mentioned Displaying Affection Just for Content, Nana Mirdad Gives a Sharp Answer
Mentioned Displaying Affection Just for Content, Nana Mirdad Gives a Sharp Answer Nana Mirdad and Andrew White, photo: instagram @nanamirdad_

Dream - Andrew White and Nana Mirdad are one of the couples who are far from scandalous gossip. They actually make netizens jealous because they always appear affectionate on every occasion.

However, apparently there are netizens who are curious whether their displayed affection to the public is truly genuine or just content on Instagram.

"All this time with Kak Andrew, is it not just for content, right? Is it really like that in the real world?" asked a netizen on Nana Mirdad's Instagram.

Responding to that question, Nana Mirdad immediately gave a firm reaction. She ensured that what is shown on social media is the reality that happens in her household.

"No way... Andrew is the closest person to me who knows my ups and downs. In fact, I really don't want my relationship to be made into a storyline that is not real just for content," answered Nana Mirdad.


Nana considers marriage to be sacred. Therefore, she does not want to show something fake about marriage in public.

"In fact, I tend to refuse if there are requests that are too fabricated and not in line with the character of my relationship with Andrew," she said.

Moreover, she feels that there is no benefit in flaunting affection on social media if in reality she does not have a harmonious life with Andrew.

"Because my marriage is too valuable to be turned into a plot twist or click bait. I would rather start a new job elsewhere than falsify my own love story. There is already too much falsehood in the virtual world, I don't want my home to be a fake place too," she added.

Previously, Nana Mirdad gave freedom to the house assistants (ART) in her home to choose the food menu they want to eat. This decision was made because the daughter of senior artist Lidya Kandouw did not want to impose the same menu as her family.

Nana's answer also explained the accusation of a netizen who claimed that Nana differentiated the food menu between the family and the ART working in her home. Nana's explanation was written in a story post on her Instagram account.

According to Nana, the decision to differentiate the food menu with the staff in her home is because she does not want to force them to eat food that is not in line with their preferences.

Nana's Family

Photo: @nanamirdad_

"They eat food that they find comfortable, it's not necessary for them to eat salads and Western food like in my house."

"It would be stressful if I forced them to eat sandwiches, salads, and others without giving them the choice of Indonesian cuisine," said Nana Mirdad.

Instead of causing stress to her employees by making them eat food according to the family's preferences, Nana prefers to give her ART the freedom to cook the menus they like according to their own preferences.

"I would rather give them a kitchen and the freedom to eat whatever they like," Nana added.

Not only about food, this mother of two also provides a house equipped with its own kitchen for her employees to be able to cook the menus they like.

"As for the house staff, I definitely provide a living quarters, a room, and a separate kitchen where they don't stay in the main house with me, Andre, and the kids. so they don't live inside," Nana added.

However, the difference in menus between the family and the employees is not always done by Nana. When cooking Indonesian food, Nana always makes sure to share it with her employees at home.

"If I cook Indonesian food at home, of course I will share it with them, but if I cook simple meals, they're also fine with it because they have their own kitchen and meal allowance," Nana said.



Not only that, Nana also emphasizes that she never separates the dining table when going out with her employees. She also allows them to choose their own menu.

"If they go out with me and my family, they will definitely sit at the same table as me and they will eat whatever they order. I don't know about others, it's different in every household," she said.

Furthermore, Nana also asserts that having different menus between the family and the staff at home is not a bad thing as long as it is done to give them freedom.

"But in my opinion, not eating the same food as the staff at home is not always a bad thing," she added.



Nana Mirdad's Post

Nana reiterates that her reason for differentiating the food with her employees is to respect their different tastes from hers.

"My reason is that I don't want to force them to eat food that they may not like and may not be filling for them. I hope that's clear," said Nana Mirdad.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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