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100 Tahun Hilang, Burung Super Langka 'Separuh Jantan Separuh Betina' Muncul Kembali

"100 Years Lost, Super Rare Bird 'Half Male Half Female' Reappears"

A feeding station in Villamaría, Colombia, becomes witness to an interesting discovery by ornithology experts.

They successfully captured an image of a wild green honeycreeper (Chlorophanes spiza) with uniquely divided feathers, half green for females and half blue for males. This event was recorded between October 2021 and June 2023.

100 Tahun Hilang, Burung Super Langka 'Separuh Jantan Separuh Betina' Muncul Kembali

is a type of small, charming stalk bird, classified as a member of the Thraupidae bird family. It is commonly found and easily recognized in its region, from southern Mexico to southeastern Brazil.


Food of the Honeycreeper Bird

They tend to consume nectar, fruits, and insects, as well as frequently visit locations where fruits are available.

The color of their feathers becomes an indicator of their gender. Females have grass green feathers, with slightly brighter shades at the bottom, while males have aqua blue feathers, accompanied by a black-colored head and chin.

100 Tahun Hilang, Burung Super Langka 'Separuh Jantan Separuh Betina' Muncul Kembali

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Differences in color on the beak also indicate sexual dimorphism: male birds have bright yellow mandibles and upper and lower jaws, with black culminations, while female birds have duller yellow mandibles and black upper jaws. Juvenile birds mostly resemble female birds. Although male birds have slightly longer wings and tails than female birds, there is significant variation within each sex, and many characteristics overlap."

The rare phenomenon of honecreeper is known as bilateral ginandromorph.

"\u201cBilateral gynandromorph is a condition in which one side of an organism exhibits male characteristics and the other exhibits female characteristics,\u201d said Professor Hamish Spencer from the University of Otago, as quoted by Sci News."

"Conditions like this are found in a large number of animal groups, especially those that are sexually dimorphic. In birds, this phenomenon is believed to occur as a result of errors during egg meiosis, followed by subsequent double fertilization by separate sperm."
continue Spencer.

Source: Sci News

"As a result, one side of the bird has heterogametic female cells (ZW) and the other side has homogametic male cells (ZZ)."

This is the second documented gynandromorphic incident in the green honeycreeper within a period of over 100 years.


"Many bird observers can spend their entire lives without seeing bilateral gynandromorphism in any bird species. This phenomenon is extremely rare in birds. It is very striking, and I am very fortunate to be able to see it,"
words of Professor Spencer.

"Swipe Up"

100 Tahun Hilang, Burung Super Langka 'Separuh Jantan Separuh Betina' Muncul Kembali

"These bird photos make this discovery even more significant because they can be said to be the best of all wild bilateral gynandromorphic bird species that have ever existed.""

"Gynandromorph is important for our understanding of sex determination and sexual behavior in birds.""

The scientific work from this team has been published in the Journal of Field Ornithology.

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