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45 Kata-Kata Buat Mantan Lucu agar Bisa Move On dengan Senyuman dan Tawa

"45 Funny Words for Exes to Be Able to Move On with Smiles and Laughter"

Dream - Breakups are often accompanied by feelings of sadness and disappointment. However, there are other ways to look at it from a lighter and more entertaining perspective. One of them is by reading funny words for exes that help us move on with a smile and laughter.

45 Funny Words for Exes to Move On with Smiles and Laughter

Funny words for exes not only invite laughter, but also help us let go of a depressing past in a positive way. Humor can be a powerful healing tool, making us realize that life goes on and there are still many funny things we can enjoy. Let's take a look at some words for exes that are not only funny but also meaningful, to help us move on with a smile and laughter.

"Words for Exes Funny"

1. Thank you for being a memory, hopefully you won't get lost again in my life. 2. You are like a school assignment, eventually it will be finished. 3. Exes are like exams, we have to pass them so we won't repeat them. 4. You are the best ex, because after you left, my life became more peaceful. 5. You are like a history lesson, worth remembering without needing to be repeated.

6. If ex is an insect, I need a lot of insecticides. 7. Thank you for being an ex, now I have a reason to laugh. 8. You're like a broken flip-flop, I learned to find someone stronger. 9. Ex is like an ad on YouTube, can't be skipped but eventually passes. 10. Thank you for teaching the meaning of moving on, even though it took a long time. 11. Ex is like bad weather, there's always a rainbow afterwards.

12. You're like a Wi-Fi signal, sometimes lost but eventually stable too. 13. Exes are like expired food, it's better to throw them away than to keep them. 14. You used to be a gem, now you're just an ordinary stone.

45 Funny Words for Exes to Move On with Smiles and Laughter

15. You're like a morning alarm, always waking me up but now I turn it off. 16. If you were a movie, I would definitely give you a low rating on IMDb. 17. You're like an old password, already changed and forgotten. 18. Thank you for leaving, now I can enjoy a better life. 19. You're like tight shoes, only comfortable when taken off. 20. Exes are like old books, just kept on the shelf without needing to be read again.

Words for Exes Funny to Be Able to Move On

21. Thank you for being my ex, now I can sleep peacefully without any drama. 22. You are like a heavy rain, making everything wet but in the end there's a rainbow. 23. You used to be like free Wi-Fi, now I have subscribed to a more stable one. 24. Exes are like school exams, they cause stress but eventually we pass.


25. You are like a tight shoe, finally released and relieved. 26. Thank you for leaving, now I can enjoy a freer life. 27. You are like a demo application, its trial period has ended. 28. Exes are like ads on YouTube, can't be skipped but eventually pass by. 29. If exes are insects, I need a lot of insecticide sprays. 30. You are like a bad Wi-Fi signal, sometimes there and sometimes gone. 31. Thank you for teaching me how to move on, even though it takes time.

45 Funny Words for Exes to Move On with Smiles and Laughter

32. Former lovers are like expired food, it's better to throw them away than to keep them. 33. You're like a school assignment, eventually it will be finished. 34. You're like an old book, just keep it on the shelf without needing to be read again.

35. If you were a movie, I would definitely give you a low rating on IMDb. 36. You're like a morning alarm, always waking me up but now I turn it off. 37. Exes are like bad weather, there's always a rainbow afterwards. 38. You're like a broken flip-flop, it made me learn to find something stronger. 39. You used to be a gem, now you're just an ordinary stone. 40. You're like an old password, already changed and forgotten.

41. Thank you for leaving, now I can enjoy a better life. 42. You are like tight shoes, it only feels comfortable when taken off. 43. Exes are like old magazines, exciting to read but eventually thrown away. 44. You are like a bad phone signal, lots of disturbances but now it's smooth. 45. Exes are like old cassette tapes, kept for memories but not played anymore.

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