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"Seolah Kena Azab! Tentara Israel Tewas Akibat Infeksi Jamur dari Gaza yang Kebal Obat, Ketar-ketir Menyebar ke Seluruh Negeri" translates to: "Seemingly Afflicted! Israeli Soldiers Die Due to Drug-Resistant Fungal Infection from Gaza, Widespread Panic Spreads Throughout the Country"

As If Hit by a Curse! Israeli Soldiers Die Due to Drug-Resistant Fungal Infection from Gaza, Fear Spreads Throughout the Country

Dream - The death of a severely wounded soldier during the war in Gaza Strip has made Israel worried. Because, the soldier who was being treated at an Israeli hospital due to severe injuries has contracted a dangerous fungal infection.

Israel is concerned that the disease from Gaza will affect troops in the field and potentially spread to civilians. The Times of Israel, citing a report from the public broadcasting agency Kan, reported that the soldier was taken to Assuta Ashdod Medical Center two weeks ago with severe injuries to the body. Although the soldier had received intensive care, the fungus was resistant to treatment and the soldier died from his wounds.

Military medical officials do not yet know the cause of his death, but confirm that there have been several similar cases of fungal infections among injured soldiers returning from Gaza. According to Professor Nadav Davidovitch, an epidemiology expert who heads the School of Public Health at Ben-Gurion University in the Negev, all Israeli hospitals have reported that most injured soldiers returning suffer from serious infections that are resistant to the antimicrobials they receive through contact with contaminated soil, among other factors.

As If Hit by a Curse! Israeli Soldiers Die Due to Drug-Resistant Fungal Infection from Gaza, Fear Spreads Throughout the Country

He noted that currently, not many soldiers are suffering from diseases that spread among the residents of Gaza.

The war between Israel and Hamas has caused destruction in most parts of the Gaza Strip. The majority of Palestinian residents have been displaced, living in refugee camps and amongst the ruins. This situation has led to the spread of various diseases that potentially threaten the hundreds of thousands of Israeli soldiers fighting in Gaza. These diseases are feared to pose health problems for the Israeli population.

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is as follows: The Spokesperson's Office of the Israeli Defense Forces said that there is no epidemic of infectious diseases among their soldiers. However, public health experts warn that it may only be a matter of time before some or all of the diseases in Gaza spread to Israel through troops returning from the battlefield or vice versa.

"Penyakit tidak memiliki batas. Kita perlu menyikapi situasi ini dengan serius," kata Davidovitch. Menurut Dovidovitch, infeksi yang resisten terhadap antimikroba telah menjadi masalah besar di Gaza selama bertahun-tahun, karena penggunaan antibiotik yang tidak sesuai atau kegagalan pasien dalam menyelesaikan pengobatan karena kekurangan obat. Profesor Galia Rahav, kepala Asosiasi Penyakit Menular Israel, dalam sebuah wawancara baru-baru ini dengan media berbahasa Ibrani Ynet punya pendapat yang sama dengan Davidovitch."

He added that the presence of highly resistant bacteria in Gaza has been well documented thanks to joint Israel-Gazan research.

As If Hit by a Curse! Israeli Soldiers Die Due to Drug-Resistant Fungal Infection from Gaza, Fear Spreads Throughout the Country

The translation of the given text to English while preserving the HTML tags is as follows: "The hospitals in Gaza are nests of these super bacteria. Before the war, Gaza patients brought them to Israeli hospitals when they came for surgery and treatment, sometimes causing serious outbreaks in the wards. For further clarification - IDF soldiers who are injured are not treated in Gaza hospitals. They contract these infections because the bacteria, fungi, or parasites are present in the soil or mud in Gaza where they lie until they are evacuated. They have deep and open wounds infected by microbes, Davidovitch explains."

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