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Curhat Artis Cantik  Sora Ma Syok Lihat Toilet Umum Tanpa Pintu di China

"Beautiful Artist Sora Ma Shocked to See Public Toilet Without Doors in China"

Beautiful Artist Sora Ma Desperate to Pee, but Shocked when Seeing Public Toilet Without a Door

Dream - A Malaysian actress named Sora Ma recently shared her experience of finding a toilet without a door in China. The woman, who now resides in Singapore, even had to hold her pee because she felt there was no privacy when she found the toilet near a restaurant in the Land of the Bamboo Curtain.

"I want to go to the toilet, but I realize there is no door. So I hold it and refuse to go!"

The story, quoted from AsiaOne.


"He found a doorless toilet when he went to China in mid-September last year. He was cycling with some of his friends. Including Singaporean musician Lee Shih Shiong."

Beautiful Artist Sora Ma Desperate to Pee, but Shocked when Seeing Public Toilet Without a Door
Beautiful Artist Sora Ma Desperate to Pee, but Shocked when Seeing Public Toilet Without a Door

The following is the translation of the text from 'Bahasa' to 'English' while preserving the HTML tags: "Woman aged 39 years had dinner at a restaurant. Sora added that she had drunk a lot of water before that because she felt unwell. However, she held her urine because the toilet near the restaurant had no door."

"Actually, it was quite urgent, but I held it. After eating, we went to watch a folk performance. I only used the toilet there because it had a door. I have been to China several times and heard about toilets without doors, but I had never encountered one before. That was the first time."

"katanya." translates to "he/she said."


Sora is in Sichuan with Shih Shiong and some friends to try out the Tianfu Greenway, a popular cycling route in Chengdu, and they cycled for 100 kilometers. "It took us about six hours to complete it. I have never cycled for 100 kilometers in Singapore, and the longest distance I have ever traveled is 60 kilometers," she said.

Beautiful Artist Sora Ma Desperate to Pee, but Shocked when Seeing Public Toilet Without a Door

He added that the scenery was pleasant and he even saw sunflowers, but the uphill journey was quite challenging for him and one of his bicycle gears was broken.

"After completing a journey of 100 kilometers, many of us experienced muscle aches and went for foot massages in the evening," Sora said. Sora also shed tears when seeing the magnificence of the Samantabhadra Bodhisattva statue at the peak of Wanfo Summit in Mount Emei."

Beautiful Artist Sora Ma Desperate to Pee, but Shocked when Seeing Public Toilet Without a Door

"When I climbed the mountain, the weather was foggy along the way, but when I reached the mountain peak, the weather was very nice. Under the blue sky and white clouds, I saw a shimmering golden Bodhisattva statue. Suddenly, I felt a wave of energy coming from the sky and couldn't hold back my tears," he expressed.

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