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Bulan Ramadan Penuh Berkah, Inilah 3 Doa agar Bisa Dipertemukan Kembali

Month of Ramadan Full of Blessings, Here are 3 Prayers to be Able to Meet Again.

"In the month of Ramadan, good deeds are multiplied and sins are forgiven by Allah SWT."

Dream - The month of Ramadan is a moment that is eagerly awaited by every Muslim around the world. In this month, Allah SWT bestows His abundant blessings. In addition, the gates of heaven are wide open, while the gates of hell are closed. This becomes a great opportunity for Muslims to seek as much reward as possible. It is not surprising that the month of Ramadan is always anticipated by Muslims every year. Therefore, they hope to be blessed with the opportunity to meet this holy month.

Well, here is a prayer reading to be reunited with the month of Ramadan again as summarized by Dream through various sources.

Blessed Full Ramadan Month, Here are 3 Prayers to be Reunited
Ramadan is a Noble Month

Ramadan is a Noble Month

"The month of Ramadan is a special month for Muslims around the world."

The speciality of the month of Ramadan lies in its blessings, where good deeds are multiplied and sins are forgiven. Ramadan is also a month full of virtues, where every act of worship, including fasting and praying, receives great rewards. Fasting during the month of Ramadan is obligatory for healthy adult Muslims who are not traveling.

By fasting, Muslims are encouraged to withhold hunger, thirst, and sexuality from dawn until sunset. In addition, the month of Ramadan is also the most appropriate time to pray, as prayers performed during this month have extraordinary power to be granted. The importance of fasting and praying during Ramadan lies in the forgiveness of sins, increasing faith, drawing closer to Allah SWT, and obtaining great rewards.

By practicing fasting and praying sincerely during the month of Ramadan, Muslims are believed to receive blessings and happiness in their lives.

Why is Ramadan called the Holy Month?

Ramadan is a holy month in the Islamic religion that is considered a time full of blessings and specialness.

Kenapa Ramadan Disebut Bulan Suci?

During this month, Muslims are required to fast from dawn until sunset. This is done as a form of self-control, an increase in patience, and as a form of worship to Allah. In the holy month of Ramadan, Muslims are also encouraged to increase their worship, charity, and reflect on the meaning of life. This month is seen as a time full of mercy, forgiveness, and opportunities to draw closer to Allah.

Therefore, Ramadan is a holy month considered sacred and full of blessings for Muslims around the world.

Blessed Full Ramadan Month, Here are 3 Prayers to be Reunited
Keutamaan Bulan Ramadan yang Penuh Keberkahan

"The Virtues of the Blessed Month of Ramadan"

The following 'Bahasa' text translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The month of Ramadan is a blessed month for Muslims. This month is eagerly awaited by Muslims because it contains many virtues and special features."

One of them is the opportunity to earn multiplied rewards. Every good deed performed in the month of Ramadan will have its rewards multiplied, so Muslims strive to perform good deeds more diligently during this month. Additionally, Ramadan is also the month when the Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad, so reading and understanding the Quran is also a virtue in this month.

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The month of Ramadan is also a time to refrain from eating and drinking as a form of fasting worship, thus providing lessons on patience and self-control. With the presence of the month of Ramadan, Muslims are also invited to increase their faith and devotion to Allah SWT. With all these privileges and virtues, the month of Ramadan becomes a sacred and special month for Muslims, filled with various acts of kindness and worship that bring blessings to the entire Muslim community."

"Main Practices in the Month of Ramadan"

The main practices that can be done in the month of Ramadan based on the example of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) are fasting, tarawih prayers, and charity.

Nabi Muhammad saw is an exemplary example in performing fasting in Ramadan, performing tarawih prayers, and increasing his acts of charity during this holy month. In addition to these three main acts, the recommended acts that can be increased during the month of Ramadan include reading the Quran, performing i'tikaf in the mosque, and increasing prayers and remembrance of Allah. Nabi Muhammad saw is known as a person who is very diligent in reading the Quran, performing i'tikaf, and always praying and remembering Allah.

So that we can emulate him in increasing these sunnah practices during the month of Ramadan. Ramadan is called the noble month because it contains the night of Lailatul Qadar which is better than a thousand months, where good deeds are multiplied in rewards. In addition, Ramadan is also the month where Muslims are given the opportunity to cleanse themselves from sins and draw closer to Allah SWT through the performed worship.

Therefore, the month of Ramadan is a month full of blessings and glory for Muslims.

Blessed Full Ramadan Month, Here are 3 Prayers to be Reunited

"Prayer to be United with the Month of Ramadan"

The following is a translation of the provided 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The following are some prayers that friends of Dream can practice in order to meet the month of Ramadan again."

"First Prayer"

Allahumma baariklanaa fii Rojaba wa Sya'baana wa ballighnaa Romadhon. Artinya: "O Allah, bless us in the months of Rajab and Sya'ban, and grant us the opportunity to reach the month of Ramadan." (Hadith narrated by Al-Baihaqi and at-Thabrani)

"Second Prayer"

Allahumma sallimnii min Romadhona wa sallim Romadhona lii, wa tasallamhu minnii mutaqabbalaa. Translation: "O Allah, bring me safely to the month of Ramadan. Bring Ramadan to me, and accept my worship in Ramadan." [Hilyatul Auliya' (1/4200)]

"Third Prayer"

and grant us success in what we love and are pleased with, our Lord and your Lord is Allah."

"and may Taufiq guide us towards what You love and are pleased with. Our Lord and your Lord (O Moon) is Allah." (HR ad-Darimi 1729). A similar hadith with slight differences in wording is narrated by Imam Ahmad and at-Tirmidzi.

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