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"Story of Gaza Fishermen Struggling to Find Fish Amidst Israeli Invasion, Allah Immediately Sends 100 Sharks"

Dream - For the past three weeks, Palestine's Gaza Strip has been continuously bombarded by Israel, resulting in thousands of deaths. Apparently, this is not the first time Israel has caused suffering to the people of Gaza. Previously, Israel imposed a blockade, both in the air and on land, on the Gaza Strip after Hamas took control of the impoverished area in 2007. The Israeli army launched three wars in the region in 2009, 2012, and 2014. According to Xinhua's website a few years ago, before Israel launched a large-scale military operation in the Gaza Strip, residents were allowed to catch fish in the six-mile-wide sea.

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is:

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is: "Fish Catchment Area Decreased"

However, during the war at that time, the fishing area was further reduced to only three miles. After a ceasefire mediated by Egypt was reached in 2014, Israel returned the fishing zone to six miles again.

"Even though there has been a ceasefire and they allow us to fish up to six miles as before, the Israeli navy never stops chasing our boats. They shoot at us, resulting in many fishermen being killed or injured. Sometimes they also capture and damage our boats,"

complaints of a fisherman named Amoudi, as quoted from Xinhua.


"Hoping for Israel to Stop the Attacks"

Not only Amoudi, but also 3,000 fishermen along the Gaza coastline at that time hoped that Israel would stop its attacks on fishermen. Then, expand the fishing area up to 20 miles as it was before the outbreak of the second Intifada in late September 2000.


"Unexpected Blessings"

In the midst of the difficulties, the fishermen received an unimaginable blessing. Just two kilometers south of Khan Younis city on the coast of the Gaza Strip, fisherman Fouad Amoudi saw a strange movement in the form of white sea waves. It turned out that the strange sea waves were actually a group of sharks passing by. "I immediately called some friends and hurried to catch the precious blessing sent by Allah," said Amoudi.

Cerita Nelayan Gaza Kesulitan Cari Ikan di Tengah Invasi Israel, Allah Langsung Kirimkan 100 Hiu

According to him, it is not an easy job to catch such a large number of sharks. Amoudi and five other fishermen took their boats and traditional nets and sailed two kilometers out to sea to catch as many sharks as possible.

"Catching Around One Hundred Sharks"

Due to the large number, Amoudi and his colleagues had to call dozens of other fishermen to help them. Some time later, Amoudi and his colleagues succeeded in catching up to 100 sharks, each weighing between 50 to 100 kilograms.


"Although we do not have large fishing boats and lack equipment, we finally managed to catch a large number of sharks," said Amoudi. "Israel has closed the sea passage, but Allah has provided sustenance for our children." He added that the hundreds of sharks he successfully caught, along with his fellow fishermen, could meet the food needs of hundreds of families. "We hope that this Israeli occupation will end one day and all fishermen can sail in a wider territory and also dive," said Mahmoud, a fisherman and friend of Amoudi.

"Creating Chaos in Gaza Strip"

The capture of hundreds of sharks has caused a sensation in the Gaza Strip. Nizar Ayyash, Chairman of the Gaza Fishermen's Union, said that the phenomenon of hundreds of sharks in the coastal waters of the Gaza Strip is a normal natural occurrence. "This is a normal condition. Every year, from late March to early April, sharks and many other fish come to mate near the coast, and then when the season ends they will disappear from the Gaza coast," said Ayyash.

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