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Jangan Sampai Terlewatkan! Inilah 5 Keistimewaan Membaca Al-Quran saat Malam Nuzulul Quran, Salah Satunya Jadi Syafaat di Hari Kiamat

Don't Miss It! Here are 5 Special Benefits of Reading the Quran during the Night of Nuzulul Quran, One of Them is Being Intercessor on the Day of Judgement.

Dream - The night of Nuzulul Quran is a very special moment for Muslims. The commemoration of this date, 17 Ramadan, holds a story full of wisdom. This is where Allah SWT revealed the revelation in the form of the Quran to Prophet Muhammad through the intermediary of the angel Jibril. This Quran is the guide to life for Muslims in the world until now. Therefore, as Muslims, it is only right to always love the Quran, read it, and practice it in everyday life.

"Not only will you get guidance from it, but also by reading the Quran there will be an abundance of rewards that Allah SWT will give."

Don't Miss It! Here are 5 Special Benefits of Reading the Quran during the Night of Nuzulul Quran, One of Which is Intercession on the Day of Judgment
Don't Miss It! Here are 5 Special Benefits of Reading the Quran during the Night of Nuzulul Quran, One of Which is Intercession on the Day of Judgment

Well, here are some of the privileges of reading the Quran on the Night of Nuzulul Quran as summarized by Dream through various sources.

"The Virtue of the Revelation of the Quran"

"The revelation of the Quran has various virtues that are important for Muslims to know in order to be more enthusiastic in worship. Here are some of its virtues:"

1. Better than 1000 Months

The virtue of the Revelation of the Quran is better than a thousand months. On this night, all the deeds we do will receive rewards equivalent to the deeds done for a thousand months. This is as explained in the words of Allah SWT in Surah Al-Qadr verses 1 to 5:

"Indeed, We have revealed it (the Quran) on the Night of Glory. And do you know what the Night of Glory is? The Night of Glory is better than a thousand months. On that night, the angels and the angel Gabriel descend, by the permission of their Lord, to settle all matters. That night is full of peace until the break of dawn."

2. The Night of the Descent of the Quran

Nuzulul Quran is the night of the revelation of the Quran. This is the revelation given by Allah SWT to Prophet Muhammad saw through the angel Jibril, as well as a great miracle for him. The specialness of this event is because it marks the beginning of the religion of Islam, which is the perfection of the previous monotheistic beliefs.

3. Night of Glory

Nuzulul Quran is a night filled with glory. On this night, the angels, led by the angel Jibril, descend to earth along with the descent of the Al-Quran. At the same time, blessings and mercy also descend as they surround those who recite the Al-Quran and surround places of remembrance. They even provide shelter for those who seek knowledge diligently.

Keistimewaan Membaca Al-Quran di Malam Nuzulul Quran

"The Excellence of Reading the Quran on the Night of Nuzulul Quran"

Muslims who read the Quran on the night of Nuzulul Quran have their own special privileges. Here are some of the privileges quoted from

1. Getting guidance for life and instructions from Allah SWT

The descent of Al-Quran is to serve as a guidance and instruction for the Muslim community in the world. With that, everyone can distinguish between what is right and what is wrong. As a result, they can experience happiness in both the worldly life and the hereafter.

2. Get Double Rewards

Reading the Quran on the night of Nuzulul Quran can bring multiplied rewards. Where Allah SWT will give one reward for every letter of the Quran that is read. Then, from one reward, Allah SWT multiplies it into 10 rewards. The rewards given by Allah SWT on the night of Nuzulul Quran are certainly different from the usual days. As explained in the following hadith:

From Abdullah Ibn Mas'ud, the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: "Whoever recites a single letter from the Book of Allah (the Qur'an), then he will receive one good deed. And one good deed is multiplied by ten like it. I do not say that Alif Lam Mim is one letter. Rather, Alif is one letter, Lam is one letter, and Mim is one letter." (Narrated by At-Tirmidhi: 2835)

3. The Best Worship

Reading the Al-Quran on the night of Nuzulul Quran is the best form of worship. This is as explained in the following hadith: "The best form of worship for my ummah is reading the Al-Quran." (HR. al-Baihaqi)

4. Giving Intercession on the Day of Judgment

Reading the Al-Quran on the night of Nuzulul Quran, then Allah SWT will grant intercession on the Day of Judgment later. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) once said, "Read the Al-Quran, for it will indeed intercede for its readers on the Day of Judgment." (Narrated by Muslim: 1337)

5. Calming the Soul and Mind

"Reading the Al-Quran indeed provides its own tranquility. Similarly, when our friend Dream reads it on the night of Nuzulul Quran, it can bring peace to the soul and mind. Someone who is physically and mentally exhausted, God willing, will find solace in reading the Al-Quran. The Prophet Muhammad said: "


“No group of people gather in the houses of Allah while reciting the Book of Allah and studying it among themselves, except that tranquility descends upon them, and they are enveloped in mercy, and the angels surround them. And they are mentioned in the presence of Allah.” (HR. Muslim: 4867)


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