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Teladani Kebiasaan Rasulullah Saat Ramadan dengan Perbanyak Sedekah 

Follow the example of the Prophet Muhammad during Ramadan by increasing acts of charity.

Follow the Habits of the Prophet Muhammad During Ramadan by Increasing Charity

"Dream - The month of Ramadan is a month filled with blessings and goodness. In the month of Ramadan, rewards will be multiplied compared to other months, so it would be a great loss if Muslims were to let Ramadan pass by just like that."

"Sayang banget kalau bulan Ramadan yang hanya sebulan ini kita gak ngapa-ngapain. Misalnya, kita cuma tidur dari pagi hingga sore, padahal cuma di bulan ini pahala akan dilipatgandakan oleh Allah jika kita mengamalkan sesuatu," kata ustaz Abdul Khoir Rahmat dalam acara Dream Day Ramadan Fest (DDRF) 2024 di Mall Kota Kasablanka, Jakarta, pada Kamis, 21 Maret 2024." "Such a shame if during this one-month Ramadan we don't do anything. For example, we only sleep from morning until afternoon, even though in this month only the rewards will be multiplied by Allah if we practice something," said Ustaz Abdul Khoir Rahmat during the Dream Day Ramadan Fest (DDRF) 2024 event at Kota Kasablanka Mall, Jakarta, on Thursday, March 21, 2024."

Follow the Habits of the Prophet Muhammad During Ramadan by Increasing Charity

"Ustaz Khoir in his sermon conveyed that one of the best ways to do good deeds in the month of Ramadan is by giving material possessions, which means donating wealth for charitable purposes."

Follow the Habits of the Prophet Muhammad During Ramadan by Increasing Charity

Not without reason, sharing a lot during the month of Ramadan is always exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad. If you increase sharing during Ramadan, Sahabat Dream also includes practicing the tradition of the prophet.

"The Generosity of Prophet Muhammad during Ramadan"

"Rasulullah SAW is a noble figure who is revered by the Muslim community. Outside of the month of Ramadan, Rasulullah is indeed very generous."

<b>Kedermawanan Rasulullah Saat Ramadan</b>

"Previously, in the veranda of the Nabawi Mosque in Madinah, the Prophet Muhammad SAW always provided food supplies for many poor people who lived there. Although he was already very generous on ordinary days, the kindness of the Prophet Muhammad SAW would increase many times over when entering the month of Ramadan. One of his companions, Abdullah bin Abbas, even mentioned in a hadith that the generosity of the Prophet Muhammad was likened to a blowing wind."

"Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was the most generous person in goodness, and his generosity increased during the month of Ramadan when the angel Jibril came to him to teach him the Quran. Jibril used to visit him every night during Ramadan until the end of the month. On each of those nights, the Prophet would recite the Quran to Jibril. When Jibril met him, the Prophet was extremely generous in goodness, surpassing the blowing wind" (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim).

"In the analogy of the wind blowing here, it means that the Prophet Muhammad does not discriminate in sharing. Not only does he give charity to those who are poorer than him, but the Prophet also gives charity to friends who are wealthier. In fact, the Prophet also gives charity to those who oppress him," said Ustaz Khoir. By sharing more in the month of Ramadan, besides receiving multiplied rewards, Sahabat Dream is also practicing the tradition of the Prophet. "

Moreover, in this modern era, technology offers many conveniences for sharing. "With the sophistication of technology, it will be easier to share even for our relatives in distant places. For example, today friends want to share for a boarding school, no need to bother, just transfer. Then, the next day, they want to help relatives outside the island who are experiencing a disaster, just transfer again. So, there is no reason not to share in the month of Ramadan," said Ustaz Khoir.

"Story of the Generosity of the Friends of the Prophet"

A companion of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) named Sa'ad bin Ubadah was a very wealthy person in his time. Every night outside of Ramadan, Sa'ad bin Ubadah would invite approximately 80 people to enjoy food at his house. During Ramadan, Sa'ad bin Ubadah would give even more charity and invite people to eat together at his house. With his abundant wealth, Sa'ad bin Ubadah always helped and prospered others.

Finally, Ustaz Khoir taught Sa'ad bin Ubadah's prayer to the audience. This prayer was recited by Sa'ad bin Ubadah when he asked Allah SWT to continue to provide abundant wealth so that he could continue to share it with many people. "O Allah, grant me honor, and I can only attain honor by doing many good deeds. I can only do good deeds with wealth. O Allah, indeed this little wealth is not suitable for me, and I am not suitable for little wealth," that is roughly the sound of his prayer.

Follow the Habits of the Prophet Muhammad During Ramadan by Increasing Charity

"In the remaining days of Ramadan, continue to increase sharing with others. Giving charity will not make us poor. On the contrary, Allah will multiply wealth and rewards if we give charity sincerely without expecting anything in return. Report by Salma Rihhadatul Aisy."

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