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Mengenal Dukhan sebagai Pertanda Akhir Zaman, Kabut Tebal yang Tewaskan Orang-Orang Ingkar

Knowing Dukhan as a Sign of the End Times, Thick Fog that Kills the Disbelievers

Dream - Dukhan is one of the signs of the end times. Dukhan will appear when the Day of Judgment approaches. Dukhan is an Arabic term that means thick fog or thick smoke. This term can also refer to Surah 44 in the Quran named Surah Ad-Dukhan. This Surah consists of 59 verses and takes its name from the first verse that speaks of Allah's punishment in the form of smoke that covers the cities of the wrongdoers.

The following is a translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The Surah Ad-Dukhan contains messages about justice, the afterlife, and warnings about the destruction that befell previous nations. In this Surah, Allah warns those who turn away from His guidance and commit sinful acts. The content of Surah Ad-Dukhan also affirms the truth of Islamic teachings and the power of Allah SWT to provide appropriate rewards or punishments."

"Warning from Allah SWT"

The translation of the given Bahasa text to English while preserving any HTML tags is as follows: "Rasulullah SAW said: "Indeed, your Lord has warned you about three things. Firstly, smoke that will afflict the believers like a fever and cause the disbelievers to blister and smoke will come out of every ear. Secondly, animals. Thirdly, the Dajjal." (HR. Thabrani)"



"Form and Nature of Dukhan"

There are many interpretations regarding the form and nature of Dukhan. In Surah Ad-Dukhan verses 10 to 11, it is explained about its form and nature. Allah SWT says: "So, wait for the day when the sky brings forth a visible smoke, enveloping the people. This is a painful punishment."

"Smoke that Covers the World"

Smoke and thick fog will cover the world before the Day of Judgment. The smoke will last for 40 days and 40 nights. The appearance of the smoke is believed to be a sign that the world is getting closer to destruction.

"Rasulullah SAW bersabda:" translates to "The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said:"
"Kalian tidak akan pernah melihat hari kiamat sehingga kalian melihat 10 pertandanya. Yaitu munculnya Dukhon (asap), Dajjal, dabbah, terbitnya matahari dari barat, turunnya Nabi Isa bin Maryam, Yajuj Majuj, tiga musibah terbenamnya tanah yaitu di tanah Timur, di tanah barat dan di Jazirah Arab dan akhir dari pertanda kiamat tersebut adalah terdapat api yang menggiring umat manusia pada tempat di mereka bangkitkan." Translation: "You will never see the Day of Judgment until you witness its 10 signs. They are the appearance of Dukhon (smoke), Dajjal, dabbah, the rising of the sun from the west, the descent of Prophet Isa son of Maryam, Yajuj Majuj, three calamities of sinking land in the East, in the West, and in the Arabian Peninsula, and the final sign of the Day of Judgment is the presence of fire that will lead humanity to the place where they will be resurrected."

"(HR. Muslim)" in English is "(Narrated by Muslim)".


"The Phenomenon of Dukhan in the Quran"

Allah SWT explains the phenomenon of the appearance of smoke before the Day of Judgment clearly in Surah Ad-Dukhan. The reason for the revelation of this Surah is also related to the attitude of the disbelievers in Mecca who were very arrogant and cruel.

Fenomena Dukhan dalam Al-Quran

"Prayer of the Prophet Facing the Arrogance of His People"

To remind his people, Prophet Muhammad SAW prayed to Allah: "O Lord, help me with hunger like the hunger of Yusuf. He thought that when people are afflicted with calamity, they will remember Allah, their hearts will soften, and they will accept admonition."


Then Allah answered that prayer. Mecca was struck by a severe famine. People were distressed and in hardship. Some leaders of the Quraysh, including Hadrat Abdullah bin Mas'ud, came to the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and asked him to pray to Allah to save their people from calamity. It was on that occasion that Allah SWT revealed Surah Ad-Dukhan.

Getting to Know Dukhan as a Sign of the End Times, Thick Fog that Kills Disbelievers

"The Secret Signs of the Apocalypse of Allah"

There are many views on when and how the Dukhan will appear at the end of time. Dukhan will appear as one of the signs of the apocalypse. Only Allah knows exactly when Dukhan will occur. At that time, all humans will be affected by Dukhan. In the Surah Ad-Dukhan, it is explained that only good deeds can save a person on the Day of Judgment. Punishment will be received by those who deny the word of the Lord. Meanwhile, those who believe will receive help on the Day of Judgment.

"Appears at Two Times"

Imam Al-Qurthubi in his interpretation combines two opinions from Ibn Mas'ud and Ibn Abbas. According to Al-Qurthubi's interpretation, a thick smoke called "dukhan" is likely to appear in two periods. The first "dukhan" has descended during the time of Prophet Muhammad SAW to punish the disbelievers for their arrogance. Then, in the second period, "dukhan" will occur as a sign of the Day of Judgment that will cause the death of many disbelievers.


"Recommended Practices When Dukhan Occurs"

The occurrence of the Dukhan (smoke) makes the condition of humans similar to what Prophet Yunus experienced when he was inside the belly of a whale, which is dark, suffocating, hot, without oxygen, without food and drink. Therefore, Prophet Muhammad (SAW) taught us that when that time comes, we should always remember Allah's remembrance like the remembrance of Prophet Yunus, which is: "There is no deity except You; exalted are You. Indeed, I have been of the wrongdoers."

Kulit Manusia Melepuh

Human Skin Blisters

Due to the Dukhan, human skin will blister and melt, especially for non-believers. However, believers, because of the strength of faith in their hearts and reciting the remembrance of Prophet Yunus, the influence of Dukhan only makes them weak, as if they were affected by the flu.

"World After the Disaster of Dukhan"

After the occurrence of Dukhan, the world experienced a tremendously drastic climate change. Water became difficult to obtain and food also became scarce. As a result, humans are threatened with hunger and the spread of diseases everywhere.

Dunia Usai Bencana Dukhan

"The Greatest Slander Emerges"

In that very difficult time, slander and various calamities will continue to emerge alternately. Until finally, the biggest slander will be revealed, namely the Dajjal. The Dajjal appears bringing abundant food and various worldly pleasures, so that all humans will be treated as gods.



"Warning of the Prophet PBUH"

"Even long ago, the Prophet Muhammad has warned, when Dajjal emerges, the majority of the Earth's population will worship Dajjal. Even the followers of Prophet Muhammad SAW will be influenced by Dajjal. Except for those whose faith is already strong, whose good deeds before that are already significant and plentiful, God willing, people like these will be protected from Dajjal."

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