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Pidato Berapi-api Prabowo Subianto: Itu Sumpah Kami kepada Rakyat Indonesia!

Speech of Prabowo Subianto on Fire: That is Our Oath to the People of Indonesia!

Dream - The prospective presidential candidate (bacapres) from the Indonesian Advancement Coalition (KIM), Prabowo Subianto, delivered his speech in front of his volunteers and supporters at the Gelora Bung Karno (GBK) Indonesia Arena, Senayan, Central Jakarta on Wednesday, October 25, 2023. With great enthusiasm, Prabowo expressed his gratitude and asked for prayers and blessings from volunteers, supporters, and the Indonesian people to move forward in the 2024 Presidential Election. During the speech, Prabowo was accompanied by the prospective Vice Presidential candidate (Cawapres) Gibran Rakabuming Raka, who stood on his left side.

"I want to convey here our determination together with brothers and sisters to advance and seek a mandate from the Indonesian people because we are facing a very important point in the history of the Indonesian nation,"

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "words Prabowo at GBK, Wednesday, October 25, 2023."

Tekad dan Sumpah Prabowo untuk Rakyat Indonesia

"Determination and Oath of Prabowo for the Indonesian People"

Prabowo conveyed, currently Indonesia is facing a turning point to rise and progress towards a great Indonesia. This former Commander of Kopassus revealed his determination and steps that he will take together with Gibran for Indonesia as the Presidential and Vice Presidential candidate pair.

"We are facing a point where we can rise towards a great Indonesia, an Indonesia free from poverty, an Indonesia free from hunger, an Indonesia free from malnutrition, an Indonesia where its children will grow happy, strong, and smart, an Indonesia where the wealth of Indonesia will be used to the fullest for all Indonesian people,"

"He said with a fiery tone."


"It is our determination, it is our struggle, it is our oath to the people of Indonesia. I will no longer give long speeches, I only convey our whole body and soul to the people of Indonesia."

Firm Prabowo.

“Itu tekad kami, itu perjuangan kami, itu sumpah kami kepada rakyat Indonesia. Saya tidak lagi akan panjang berpidato, saya hanya menyampaikan seluruh jiwa raga kami untuk rakyat Indonesia,”

"Kirab Budaya" translates to "Cultural Parade" in English.

After delivering a formal speech in front of volunteers and supporters, the Prabowo-Gibran entourage will continue their journey from Gelora Bung Karno to Taman Suropati in Menteng, Central Jakarta. At that point, a cultural procession of Nusantara and art performances will be held.

Pidato Berapi-api Prabowo Subianto: `Itu Sumpah Kami kepada Rakyat Indonesia!`

Register with the KPU

Then, the activity continued with the convoy of Prabowo-Gibran's journey to the General Election Commission (KPU) office on Imam Bonjol Street, Menteng, Central Jakarta.

Pidato Berapi-api Prabowo Subianto: `Itu Sumpah Kami kepada Rakyat Indonesia!`

They will be accompanied by all leaders of the Coalition Party of Indonesia Forward (KIM) supporting Prabowo-Gibran. Among them are Gerindra, Golkar, PAN, Gelora Indonesia, Partai Bulan Bintang, Partai Demokrat, Partai Garuda, PSI, and Partai Prima.

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Gibran Tiba-Tiba Bocorkan Program Kampanye, dari Kredit Start Up hingga KIS Lansia

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