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Fosil 'T. Rex Air' Raksasa Ditemukan di Inggris, Ukuran Tengkoraknya Saja 1,8 Meter

The following 'Bahasa' text translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Giant 'T. Rex Air' Fossil Found in England, Skull Size Alone is 1.8 Meters"

Dream - English scientists have successfully unearthed a mostly intact skull of a giant sea creature. The sea creature, known as a pliosaur, is believed to have roamed the waters off the coast of England millions of years ago.

Giant Ancient Reptile Skull Found in England, So Fierce and Scary It's Nicknamed 'T. Rex of the Sea'
Giant Ancient Reptile Skull Found in England, So Fierce and Scary It's Nicknamed 'T. Rex of the Sea'

Skull of a pliosaur, a type of marine reptile, is approximately six feet or two meters long. The length of the 150 million-year-old fossil indicates the enormity of the sea monster during its lifetime.

Giant Ancient Reptile Skull Found in England, So Fierce and Scary It's Nicknamed 'T. Rex of the Sea'

This creature is equipped with a third eye called parietal, and glands in its snout that may help them find prey.

And when finding prey \u2014 such as other reptiles or even fellow pliosaurs \u2014 this creature will bite using its 130 teeth with a much stronger pressure than a crocodile.

Giant Ancient Reptile Skull Found in England, So Fierce and Scary It's Nicknamed 'T. Rex of the Sea'

"Terrifying Nickname"

An expert told BBC News that this pliosaur is 'kind of like a T. rex in the water'.

Although this terrifying creature lived at the same time as dinosaurs, pliosaurs are more closely related to lizards or snakes.

Giant Ancient Reptile Skull Found in England, So Fierce and Scary It's Nicknamed 'T. Rex of the Sea'

The scientists stated that the recently discovered fossil is one of the most complete pliosaur skulls ever found. According to the plan, this complete pliosaur skull will be featured in a special BBC One program hosted by David Attenborough on New Year's 2024. "This is one of the best fossils I have ever worked on. What makes it unique is that the skull is still intact," said paleontologist Steve Etches.

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving the HTML tags is as follows:

This skull was first discovered by Phil Jacobs, one of Etches' colleagues. Jacobs first saw the snout of the skull while walking on the beach near Kimmeridge Bay in Dorset, along the Jurassic Coast, an English World Heritage Site.

Giant Ancient Reptile Skull Found in England, So Fierce and Scary It's Nicknamed 'T. Rex of the Sea'

Scientists then spent months digging up fossil remains from the cliffs along the coast and cleaning them. Etches said he would display the pliosaur fossil in his museum, the Etches Collection, next year. However, Etches is confident that there are still more fossils waiting to be discovered on the cliffs, which may eventually erode completely.

Giant Ancient Reptile Skull Found in England, So Fierce and Scary It's Nicknamed 'T. Rex of the Sea'

"I bet my life that many remnants of the animal are still there. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity," he concluded.

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