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Curhat Sedih Hafizah Dipaksa Menikah dengan Pria Beristri oleh Ayahnya, Penuh Liku dan Cobaan Hidup

"Sad Confession, Hafizah Forced to Marry a Married Man by Her Father, Full of Twists and Life Challenges"

Dream - The story of Nusaibah Azzahra is one of the interesting stories in the world of polygamy. This Quran hafidz graduate had to willingly become the second wife of a man who already had a wife. Although she initially had some doubts, Nusaibah still accepted the proposal of her father's chosen husband. Nusaibah Azzahra tells the story of polygamy that she experienced in her life through the CURHAT BANG Denny Sumargo channel. What is her story?

"The story is really sad. So, she was married to someone who already had a wife. It means like polygamy," said Denny Sumargo starting his podcast."

Heartbreaking Story of Hafizah Forced by Her Father to Marry a Married Man, Living in a Gas Station While Pregnant

Just Graduated from Tahfiz Boarding School

During that time, Nusaibah had just graduated from the Tahfiz Islamic Boarding School that she had attended for two years through a scholarship program. Actually, it was supposed to be three years, but Nusaibah served for one year. It was during this period of service that Nusaibah was forced to get married by her father.

"Shocking Conversation with Father"

"In the middle of my years of service, I was already 20 years old. My father taught at the same pesantren where I served."Because I was sick, I went back to the official residence. Suddenly, my father started a conversation that we had never talked about before, which was about men," said Nusaibah."

Her father explained the criteria of a man who, according to him, would bring happiness to his daughter if she married him. "There is this amazing man. He has a business like this, and he is truly great," Nusaibah imitated her father's words. According to Nusaibah's father, the man also has an extraordinary role in Islamic preaching. Her father's words made Nusaibah wonder in her heart. "What does he mean? I've been guessing a lot in my heart. Oh, maybe he wants me to get married," Nusaibah continued.

Heartbreaking Story of Hafizah Forced by Her Father to Marry a Married Man, Living in a Gas Station While Pregnant

"Sure enough, his father then expressed the intention of the man who wanted to propose to Nusaibah. However, his father did not want to mention who the man was."

Every time Nusaibah asks about the identity of the man, her father always 'evades'. This makes Nusaibah annoyed. Nusaibah suspects that the man who will propose to her must already be married. It's impossible for an incredibly successful person to still be single. "It seems unlikely that someone with such specifications would still be single," said Nusaibah.

"Ask for Allah's guidance"

Does not ignore Nusaibah's opinion, her father continues to try to make his daughter impressed and fond of the man of his choice. Moreover, the prospective son-in-law is someone who is very religious. Never neglecting Allah even though he is wealthy. As an obedient child, Nusaibah also asks for Allah's guidance through prayer of seeking guidance (istikharah) and recitation of the Quran.

When Nusaibah was reciting the Quran, she accidentally read a verse that sounded exactly like her father's words.

Heartbreaking Story of Hafizah Forced by Her Father to Marry a Married Man, Living in a Gas Station While Pregnant

"That a man who is not neglected from his buying and selling from remembering Allah is a good man in His presence. Nusaibah was shocked and immediately felt nervous because what her father said about that man's figure is mentioned in the Quran."

Matched with a Man who is Already Married

"Until one day, Nusaibah's father invited her to a pesantren (Islamic boarding school) in a certain area and met an Ustaz (Islamic scholar) there. Upon returning from there, her father just mentioned that the man who was supposed to be betrothed to Nusaibah is already married. Nusaibah, of course, was angry but she didn't dare to confront her father because he is someone she has admired all this time."

Father Angry

However, Nusaibah tried to convey her objection politely, stating that she was unable to continue with the arranged marriage. It was at that moment that her father became angry because Nusaibah started to voice her true feelings. "'Abi should just die,' those words came out at that moment, by Allah, we don't really know what someone's true intentions are even if they say such things," said Nusaibah.

"Meeting Future Husband"

Nusaibah surrendered to Allah when she rode on her father's motorcycle to the Islamic boarding school to meet her future husband. "In her heart, she said while crying, I surrender to You, Allah, and to my father, who is my guardian. I am confident that my father will not push me towards something bad," she said. They met at Nusaibah's future husband's office in Jakarta. They talked about marriage and Nusaibah gathered the courage to propose conditions.

Heartbreaking Story of Hafizah Forced by Her Father to Marry a Married Man, Living in a Gas Station While Pregnant

While trembling, Nusaibah wanted to meet her future husband's first wife. At that time, her future husband, who was 18 years older than her, only said that his wife had agreed to their marriage.

"Hoping for a Car Accident"

Nusaibah certainly did not believe it, especially since the marriage was not registered in the country and was only registered at the Office of Religious Affairs (KUA). However, Nusaibah surrendered because her father was angry and forced her to marry the man of his choice. On the wedding day, during the reception held at the hotel, Nusaibah continued to pray for the secret marriage to be canceled on its own. She even hoped that the car taking her to the wedding venue would have an accident.

Heartbreaking Story of Hafizah Forced by Her Father to Marry a Married Man, Living in a Gas Station While Pregnant

During the wedding event, her tears always wet her cheeks. People thought it was tears of happiness. In fact, it was tears of sadness and destruction.

Not Like Marriage But...

"It doesn't feel like getting married. When you get married, you're happy, but this feels like putting your neck on the chopping block. But it has happened and I have become someone's wife," she said."


"Unfortunately, Nusaibah's marriage to the man chosen by her father did not turn out happy. Nusaibah's fate, on the contrary, is sad and heartbreaking. Besides not being given a house, Nusaibah also does not receive any financial support from her husband. Her life is instead adrift. Nusaibah, along with her family, was expelled from the pesantren official residence after being found pregnant after marriage without notification."

Live at the Gas Station

"They were forced to stay from one gas station to another to seek shelter from the heat and rain because they didn't have a home. 'Even though I have a husband, why can't he just provide a safe place for his pregnant wife?' Nusaibah reminisced. What's even sadder is that Nusaibah would meet her husband at a hotel once a week or once a month. Whenever the issue of housing is brought up, her husband always avoids it."

Heartbreaking Story of Hafizah Forced by Her Father to Marry a Married Man, Living in a Gas Station While Pregnant

Nusaibah is suffering more when she is 4 months pregnant, as her husband suddenly disappears without any news. Instead, Nusaibah receives an SMS that contains painful terror. She is said to be knowledgeable in the Quran but a home-wrecker (pelakor).

In short, Nusaibah tried to demand accountability from her husband who could no longer be contacted. She bravely went to her husband's house while bringing their child. However, her husband's family said that he was not at home. As she did not receive any financial support from her husband, Nusaibah applied for a job as a Quran memorization teacher at a junior high school.

"Shocking News"

Until 10 months without news, Nusaibah, who had started to live peacefully with her 1-year-old child, suddenly received news. It turns out her husband disappeared without any news for these 10 months because he was suffering from a serious illness. Even that afternoon, Nusaibah received news that her husband had passed away. On one hand, Nusaibah felt happy, but on the other hand, she also felt sad. Despite having wasted her time with him, that man is her husband and the father of her child.

Nusaibah also came to pay her respects at her husband's house. Unfortunately, her husband's body had already been taken to the grave, accompanied by his first wife.

Heartbreaking Story of Hafizah Forced by Her Father to Marry a Married Man, Living in a Gas Station While Pregnant

"Received Bad Treatment"

During the funeral, Nusaibah instead received mistreatment from her husband's family. They accused Nusaibah of coming to demand her inheritance. Feeling humiliated and insulted, Nusaibah immediately took her mother and considered her life no longer connected to her husband's family.

"Created Novel and Adapted into a Film"

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "This arranged marriage story was revealed by Nusaibah Azzahra in a novel entitled Journey of Love Proof, which she wrote herself. This novel by Nusaibah has even been adapted into a film with the same title and was released on March 7, 2024."

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