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10 Bencana dan Kejadian Alam Dahsyat Paling Misterius, Sebagian Masih Misteri Hingga Kini

"10 Disasters and Most Mysterious Natural Events, Some Still a Mystery Until Now"

Dream - Natural disasters that come unexpectedly are terrifying events that nobody wants. This is because natural disasters can cause significant damage and loss, both in terms of material possessions and taking lives.

Here are 10 of the Most Mysterious and Terrifying Disasters and Natural Phenomena, Some Still Remain a Mystery to This Day

In its history, humanity has experienced several unforgettable catastrophic disasters. Throughout the ages, there have been various types of catastrophic disasters that have befallen humans. Humanity has experienced disasters ranging from locust plagues to years without sunlight. Summarized from various sources, here is a list of catastrophic natural disasters whose causes are still a mystery to this day.

Earthquake and Tsunami in Tohoku

Earthquake and Tsunami in Tohoku

Nearly 20,000 people died after a powerful earthquake and tsunami struck Tohoku in Japan in 2011.

"After that, many people reported sightings of lost and deceased spirits due to the tsunami. There were also quite a few cases of possession. These sightings and possessions are likely a result of collective trauma and guilt among the survivors. However, many believe that these sightings are real evidence of paranormal activity."

Year of Darkness

"Year of Darkness"

Throughout the year 536 AD, there occurred the Year of Darkness, where the temperature on Earth dropped drastically due to many volcanic eruptions.

During 24 hours a day for 18 months, the sun cannot shine because it is blocked by thick fog/smoke from volcanic eruptions. This results in a long winter season and widespread hunger throughout the world.

Earthquake Sichuan

Earthquake Sichuan

In 2008, a devastating earthquake disaster occurred in Sichuan, China. This disaster, which claimed the lives of 90,000 people, remains a mystery.

It all started with the construction of the Three Gorges Dam in Hubei, China in the 1990s, which became controversial. When an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 on the Richter scale hit Sichuan Province, the dam was blamed as the cause. Despite bringing significant benefits such as electricity and flood control, the dam has caused a lot of ecological damage.

"Misteri Sinkhole Siberia" translates to "Mystery of the Siberian Sinkhole" in English.

Since 2013, dozens of giant holes have been discovered in the Yamal Peninsula, Siberia, Russia.

Scientists speculate that this sinkhole is caused by permafrost or frozen soil layer melting. The melting of this permafrost coincides with the expansion of methane gas, creating a collapsed mound of layered ice and soil. However, until now scientists have not been able to determine the exact cause.

Jejak Sinar Gamma

"Jejak Sinar Gamma" in English is "Gamma Ray Traces".

One unique phenomenon in the galaxy is the emergence of Gamma rays created from the collision of stars.

If the star explodes at a close enough distance, the Gamma rays produced can destroy the Earth in an instant. Strangely, in 2013, scientists discovered evidence that the Earth had been hit by a Gamma ray burst in the 8th century. Scientists found traces of Gamma rays after studying the rings of Japanese cedar trees dating back to the year 775.

"Earthquake New Madrid"

The city of New Madrid in Missouri, United States, was hit by several powerful earthquakes for 3 consecutive months.

The incident between December 1811 and February 1812 reportedly caused the flow of the Mississippi River to reverse. Scientists explained that the strange phenomenon was liquefaction or soil movement. According to them, the soil was lifted due to a powerful earthquake, making it appear as if the river changed direction temporarily. However, what is still unclear is the actual cause of the earthquake.

Planet Venus

Planet Venus

Previously, Venus was considered suitable to visit, but the Soviet Venera mission realized its danger.

The translation of the text while preserving the HTML tags is as follows: "The atmosphere of Venus is full of CO2, with a pressure 90 times higher than Earth, its clouds are made of sulfuric acid, and its temperature is almost 900 degrees Fahrenheit. Life is impossible due to the high levels of carbon dioxide. The causes, including volcanoes, are still uncertain."

"Suar Matahari" translates to "Voice of the Sun" in English.

Solar flare or solar sound may not emit gamma ray radiation in the 8th century as detected in Japanese cedar trees originating from the year 775.

However, the Sun's sound produces radiation in the 19th century, as in the Carrington event in September 1859. The Sun's sound at that time became a large geomagnetic storm that caused power outages and disruptions to telegrams. This event is still mysterious because there is still much to be understood about the event and about the Sun's sound in general.

Peristiwa Ledakan Tunguska

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is: "The Event of Tunguska Explosion".

Large explosion above the Tunguska forest in Russia destroyed a wide area. But strangely, the explosion did not create a crater.

With an estimated explosion of 10 megatons or more, its power exceeds that of the atomic bomb in Japan. Although the cause is suspected to be an asteroid, some people doubt this story. Because an asteroid collision would certainly leave a crater. They suspect that the event in Tunguska was caused by a natural gas explosion or the collision of two comets.

"Wabah Belalang" in English is "Grasshopper Plague".

Like the story of the plague of locusts in the time of Prophet Moses, a similar event occurred in the Great Plains, United States, in the 19th century. Millions of locusts swarmed the Great Plains in the year 1874.

The following is the translation of the text from 'Bahasa' to 'English' while preserving the HTML tags: "The grasshopper came in such a large swarm that it blocked the Sun and sounded like a stormy rain. At that time, the Great Plains were hit by a dry spring season, which caused the grasshoppers to lay a lot of eggs and reproduce very quickly."

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