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Wanita Indonesia Ungkap Biaya Sekolah di Finlandia, Surga Pendidikan Tanpa Bayar Sepeserpun

"Wanita Indonesia Ungkap Biaya Sekolah di Finlandia, Surga Pendidikan Tanpa Bayar Sepeserpun" translates to: "Indonesian Woman Reveals School Fees in Finland, Education Paradise Without Paying a Penny"

Dream – The funds needed for a child's education vary depending on the chosen school and respective region. One thing is certain, education costs are generally not small. Typically, the more complete the school facilities, the greater the expenses incurred. However, this is not the case for schools in Finland. Here, parents can be relieved because they don't have to spend a single penny on their child's school fees.

The following is revealed by an Indonesian woman living in Finland through the TikTok account @chimyinfinland. She said that the cost of Education Development Contribution (SPP) in Finland is zero euros, meaning it is free. In Finland, she said, children attending public, international, and private schools are not charged any fees. Meanwhile, private schools under government supervision are not allowed to seek financial profit or be used as a business.

Indonesian Women Reveal School Fees in Finland, Education Paradise Without Paying a Penny

"SPP zero euros because public schools, international schools, and private schools are free. Private schools are under government supervision and education should not be for business or seeking financial gain. Its funding is from the state," he wrote."

Indonesian Women Reveal School Fees in Finland, Education Paradise Without Paying a Penny

Not only the tuition fees are free, uniforms, textbooks, Student Work Agencies (LKS), notebooks, and stationery are not charged any fees. As for uniforms, schools in Finland do not have specific regulations regarding them and allow their students to wear whatever clothes they want. Other needs such as textbooks, notebooks, LKS, and stationery are provided by the school. However, if there is a need for additional items beyond that, they must be purchased by oneself.

Indonesian Women Reveal School Fees in Finland, Education Paradise Without Paying a Penny

"\u201cZero euro uniform because the school allows free dress. Textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, and writing materials can all be obtained from the school for free, but can also be purchased for additional use if desired,\u201d said the woman. After-school lessons or tutoring are also provided for free. Teachers will provide extra hours after school to give additional material if needed. According to her, the function of the school is used for learning. If a student is not able to learn yet, then the school will try their best to teach the student until they can."

Indonesian Women Reveal School Fees in Finland, Education Paradise Without Paying a Penny

"Free Transportation"

"Zero euro lessons, if needed, teachers or assistants provide additional hours after school to help the child. The function of school is to learn, so if they still can't, they will be taught again," he explained. Because the school uses a zoning system, students who live more than five kilometers from the school will receive free transportation services or city transportation."


"Transportation costs 200 euros per year, vouchers for public bus rides to the city. Actually, it can be free because Finland adheres to a zoning system, so if the school is more than five kilometers away, they can get a pick-up and drop-off facility or ride the minibus for free. I pay because my first child goes to an International School by our own choice, that's why we still pay for transportation ourselves. The transportation cost for my second child is zero euros because their school is close to home."

he/she expressed


Because all education costs are free, the woman only spends money on buying her child's school bag. "Other expenses, just buying a bag. Shoes and clothes are using the equipment used for playing because in daily life in Finland we still wear shoes and clothes," said the woman. Report: Nisya Aprilya

@chimyinfinland Biaya sekolah anak di Finlandia 1. SPP 0€ karena sekolah negeri, sekolah international & sekolah swasta gratis. Sekolah swasta dibawah pengawasan pemerintah & pendidikan tidak boleh untuk bisnis/mencari keuntungan finansial. Fundednya dari state. 2. Seragam 0€ karena sekolahnya pake baju bebas 3. Buku pelajaran, LKS, buku tulis & alat tulis 0€ semua dapat dr sekolah, beli sendiri buat tambahan kalo mau 4. Uang saku 0€, karena dapat makan siang dari sekolah gak perlu bayar & jajan bukan kebiasaan kita 5. Les pelajaran 0€, kalo dibutuhkan, guru/asisten memberi jam tambahan stlh sekolah untuk membantu anak. Kan fungsi sekolah untuk belajar, jd kalo blm bisa ya diajari lagi. 6. Transportasi 200€/tahun (voucer untuk naik bis umum ke kota). sebenernya bisa gratis karena di Finlandia menganut sistem zonasi, kalo sekolah dg sistem zonasi lbh dr 5km dpt fasilitas antar jemput atau naik angkot gratis. Aku bayar karena anakku pertama sekolah di International school atas pilihan kita sendiri, makanya tetep bayar transport sendiri. Anak ke-2 transport 0€ karena sekolahnya dekat rumah 7. Tidak ada pungutan & sumbangan liar dari komite sekolah. Kalo ada bazar, biasanya sukarela yg mau aja. Kadang mengumpulkan barang bekas layak pakai untuk dijual, kadang ada donasi yg sifatnya sukarela lgsg transfer ke pihak penyelenggara, jd kalopun gak nyumbang gak akan sungkan. 8. Biaya lain-lain, beli tas doank. Sepatu & baju memakai perlengkapan yg dipakai main, karena di kehudupan sehari-hari di Finlandia kita tetep pakai sepatu & baju. Gimana biaya nyekolahin anak di negara kalian tinggal? #finlandia #fyp #sekolah #pendidikan ♬ nhạc nền - to la bong hoa cua cau - thanh_lam🌲
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