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Intention of Qadha Ramadan Fasting in the Month of Rajab, Complete Law and Procedure

Intention of Qadha Ramadan Fasting in the Month of Rajab, Complete Law and Procedure

"Dream - Ramadan fasting is a mandatory fast for Muslims. However, there are some people who are allowed not to fast for various reasons, such as illness or traveling far. Therefore, the qadha fasting of Ramadan becomes important to be carried out in the following months. One of the months that is recommended for performing qadha fasting is the month of Rajab. The month of Rajab has its own virtues in Islam, making it a suitable month to replace the Ramadan fast that has not been fulfilled."

Intention for Qadha Ramadan Fasting in the Month of Rajab, Complete Law and Procedure

"In carrying out the qadha fasting of Ramadan in the month of Rajab, it is certainly necessary to have a valid and correct intention. The intention for the qadha fasting of Ramadan must be done sincerely and earnestly, in accordance with the teachings of Islam."

The translation of "Hukum Puasa Qadha Ramadhan" to English while preserving any HTML tags is: "The Law of Qadha Fasting in Ramadan".

The law of qadha fasting for Ramadan is obligatory for every Muslim who misses Ramadan fasting for certain reasons. This law is found in the Qur'an Surah Al-Baqarah verse 184, which states that whoever is sick or on a journey, then (it is obligatory for him to fast) as many days as he has missed on other days.

"In this case, a person who has the obligation to fast but is unable to do so can make it up on another day after the month of Ramadan ends. This is in accordance with the sharia law in Islam so that a person can still fulfill their obligation even in certain difficult conditions. However, for someone who is unable to make it up, such as due to a chronic illness or old age, it can be replaced with fidyah, which is to feed the poor for the number of days of fasting that they have missed."

The translation of "Cara Ganti Puasa Ramadhan" to English is "How to Replace Ramadan Fasting".

Here is the translation of the provided 'Bahasa' text to 'English', while preserving the HTML tags: "Cara mengganti puasa Ramadhan dapat dilakukan dengan beberapa langkah. Pertama, jika seseorang tidak dapat berpuasa karena sakit yang tidak sembuh selama beberapa waktu, maka mereka dapat mengganti puasa tersebut setelah mereka sembuh. Selain itu, bagi wanita yang sedang hamil atau menyusui, mereka juga dapat mengganti puasa setelah kondisinya memungkinkan." "How to replace Ramadan fasting can be done with several steps. First, if someone cannot fast due to an illness that does not heal for some time, then they can replace the fast after they recover. In addition, for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, they can also replace the fast after their condition allows."


"The way to replace missed Ramadan fasts can also be done with fidyah or by feeding a number of poor people with staple food equivalent to the number of days of fasting that were missed. By following these steps, one can replace Ramadan fasts in a manner that is in accordance with Islamic law."

Intention of Rajab Fasting in Arabic, Latin, and Its Meaning.

The translated text is: "**Nawaitu shauma Rajaba sunnatan lillâhi ta‘âlâ.** Artinya: “I intend to fast in Rajab, a Sunnah for the sake of Allah ta‘âlâ.”"


The translation of "Niat Puasa Ganti Ramadhan" to English is "Intention for Fasting to Replace Ramadan."

The translated text is: "**Nawaitu sauma ghadin 'an dhiyaa'in fardh Ramadhan hadhihis sinnah, lillahi ta'aala.** Artinya: "I intend to fast tomorrow as a replacement for the fasting of this year's Ramadan, for the sake of Allah Ta'ala."" (Note: The original text contains Arabic script, which has been preserved in the translation.)


Intention of Qadha Ramadan Fasting in the Month of Rajab

Nawaitu sauma shahri Rajab qadha'an 'an Ramadhan min sanatin lillahi ta'ala Artinya: \


"Replacing the Ramadan fast in the month of Rajab is a recommended practice in Islam. Although the obligatory Ramadan fast that Muslims must replace during other months, the month of Rajab is considered a good time to perform this fasting worship. Replacing the Ramadan fast in the month of Rajab is also seen as an effort to cleanse oneself from the sins committed previously. With a sincere intention and genuine practice, it is hoped that this act of worship will become one of the ways to draw closer to Allah SWT."

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