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Ma'ruf Amin Berpesan pada Calon Penggantinya, Jangan Jadi Ban Serep Presiden!

"Ma'ruf Amin Berpesan pada Calon Penggantinya, Jangan Jadi Ban Serep Presiden!" translates to "Ma'ruf Amin advises his successor, Don't be a Spare Tire President!"

Ma'ruf Amin advised his successor, "Don't be the spare tire of the President!"

Vice President (VP) Ma'ruf Amin hopes that his replacement in the future will be an individual who can support the President's duties in accordance with the constitution. Nevertheless, he still asserts that the position and role of the Vice President in the government will remain under the President.


"The Vice President is the Vice President, that's it. Don't make the Vice President feel like the President, it will become a problem later. It means that the Vice President helps the President as a whole and does the tasks assigned by the President."

Ma'ruf said to the media crew in Semarang.


"Oleh karena itu, Ma'ruf hopes that after the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres), a Vice President who is superior to him will be elected to carry out various government programs in the future, including special responsibilities given by the President. 'I hope, of course, for a Vice President who is better than me. If it's the same, then there's no improvement, right? They must be even better than me in the tasks assigned,' he said."

Ma'ruf Amin's Message to His Successor: Don't Become a Spare Tire President!

Next, Ma'ruf asserts that the position of Vice President cannot be equated to the role of a "spare tire" for the President, because the Vice President has their own responsibilities even though they act as a supporter of the President.

"Not a spare tire. Yes, it means that its function is adjusted to its position as Vice President, not Vice President wanting to become President. But the Vice President must also function according to the appropriate proportion," he said."

Source: Liputan6


Active Participation in Government Programs

"As an illustration, according to Ma'ruf, he actively participates in various government programs by providing input to the President, such as in cabinet meetings. In addition, he also continues to carry out all the responsibilities assigned to him well. 'At least in those cabinet meetings, he conveys his views. Well, in terms of tasks assigned by the President, that's what the Vice President should focus on.'"

Regarding the special task of the President, Ma'ruf gives an example that he is given the responsibility to address the problem of stunting. In response to this task, he not only coordinates various relevant ministries/agencies but also directly goes to the field. "I am assigned (to handle) stunting, so I continue to lead coordination meetings, then inspect the field, calculate how it is in this area, and then how the intervention is," he said.

Visiting Semarang

Currently, Ma'ruf is visiting Semarang to observe the implementation of the stunting prevention program. From this visit, he obtained information about the Daycare program initiated by the Semarang City government, which can be used as a model by other regions in efforts to accelerate stunting prevention.

"Well, like this, if this is successful, a model like this, yes, we will develop it. So there are things like that, discovered, later we will spread it to other regions," he said."

Source: Liputan6

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