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MKMK Fires Chairman of MK Anwar Usman, Proven to Have Committed Serious Ethical Violations.

MKMK Fires Chairman of MK Anwar Usman, Proven to Have Committed Serious Ethical Violations.

MKMK Fires Chief Justice Anwar Usman, Proven to Commit Serious Ethical Violations

Dream - The Honorary Council of the Constitutional Court (MKMK) imposes the sanction of dismissal on the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court (MK), Anwar Usman. This decision is related to the violation of the ethical code of the MK judge regarding the decision on the age requirement for presidential and vice-presidential candidates.


"Serious Offense"

"In his safe decision, Chief Justice MKMK Jimly Asshiddiqie stated that the accused judge, Chairman of MK, was proven to have committed a serious violation, resulting in the imposition of a dismissal sanction."

"The respondent judge is found guilty of committing serious violations against the code of ethics and conduct of judges." "Imposing the sanction of dismissal upon the respondent judge.""
Jimly's words in the Constitutional Court hearing room, Tuesday, November 7, 2023.



"New Leadership Election"

According to the decision, MKMK also ordered the chairman of MK to hold a new leadership selection hearing within 2x24 hours.

MKMK Fires Chief Justice Anwar Usman, Proven to Commit Serious Ethical Violations

"Ordering the chairman of the constitutional court to lead the organization of the election of new leaders within 2x24 hours from the time this decision is pronounced in accordance with the laws and regulations."
Jimly said.


MKMK Fires Chief Justice Anwar Usman, Proven to Commit Serious Ethical Violations

Apart from being dismissed, Chairman of the Constitutional Court Anwar Usman is also not allowed to be involved in the examination and decision-making of disputes over the election of the president and vice president in the future.

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: "MKMK Decision Hearing in the Case of Violation of the Code of Ethics of Constitutional Judges"

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