Better experience in portrait mode.

"Momen Dataran Tinggi Dieng Penuh Pengunjung sampai Macet, Niat Lihat Lautan Awan Malah Lautan Manusia" translates to "Highland Moment in Dieng Filled with Visitors until Traffic Jam, Intention to See the Ocean of Clouds Turns into a Sea of People."

Dream - Long vacation moments are often used by many people to go on vacation to tourist attractions. Especially for urban communities, they would be very happy if they could vacation in nature to see beautiful and refreshing scenery. However, it cannot be denied that there will be more visitors to tourist attractions during long vacation moments. Therefore, instead of being able to heal, it can actually become dizzy from seeing the crowd of people at tourist attractions.

Momen Dataran Tinggi Dieng Penuh Pengunjung sampai Macet, Niat Lihat Lautan Awan Malah Lautan Manusia

Just as what happened in the highlands of Dieng, Central Java, on Sunday, December 24, 2023. Dieng highlands indeed offer unique tourist attractions, no wonder many people want to visit there.

"So, the Human Sea during Long Holidays"

"Starting from the cool air, beautiful views at high altitudes, especially at certain moments like the morning when the sun rises. However, during this long holiday period, the highland area of Dieng is crowded with visitors. A netizen captured the bustling atmosphere of Dieng highland and uploaded it by the Instagram account @fakta.suroboyo."

Momen Dataran Tinggi Dieng Penuh Pengunjung sampai Macet, Niat Lihat Lautan Awan Malah Lautan Manusia

"Due to its fullness, the road in the hills became congested. The beautiful scenery of the green hills seemed to be covered by a sea of people."

"Traffic Jam and Difficult to Move"

Not only to enjoy the scenery, even moving forward seems difficult for tourists. Tourists are seen starting to move down from the hill. Seeing the crowd, it is suspected that many visitors cannot reach the peak where they can see the sunrise due to overcrowding.

Momen Dataran Tinggi Dieng Penuh Pengunjung sampai Macet, Niat Lihat Lautan Awan Malah Lautan Manusia

"Viral on Social Media"

The moment of the highland of Dieng became a sea of ​​people and went viral on social media and was liked by more than 15.6 thousand other Instagram users. Not only that, the video was also heavily commented on by netizens who saw it.


"It's not worth going on vacation during the holiday season. If you really want to heal, it's better to find hidden gems so you can enjoy it. Otherwise, it's better to postpone it," wrote the account @neng_myyhr21. "That's why I never want to go on vacation during the holiday season \ud83d\ude02," wrote the account @mama_chill. "Alhamdulillah, I came here early last Sunday. It's still quiet and the streets are still empty. Now I just have to relax at home \ud83d\ude02," wrote the account @yaniyaya44. "Instead of healing, it becomes more complicated," wrote the account @citracicit_."

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