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Prayer for Abundant Well Water and Tips for Saving Water during the Dry Season's Arrival.

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "The water used should be reused, so as not to cause water wastage."

Dream - Indonesian society is preparing to enter the dry season, which usually causes a significant decrease in water supply. The dependence on water by humans is so great that even the smallest disturbance will have a significant impact. Water usage during the dry season must be truly saved. Even the water used should be reused as much as possible. For example, laundry water can be used to water plants so that they do not die from drought. In addition to saving, Dream friends can also pray for abundant water in the wells. Although prayers with specific requests are not made specifically.

You can recite a number of prayers so that the well has plenty of water, as taught by the Prophet Muhammad saw during a long drought. Here are prayers for the well to have plenty of water as summarized by Dream from various sources.

Prayer for Abundant Well Water and Tips for Saving Water during the Dry Season
Prayer for the Well to Have Plenty of Water

Prayer for the Well to Have Plenty of Water

"In the midst of a long drought, there are several prayers that friends of Dream can practice to make the well have plenty of water:"

Prayer for the Well to Have Abundant Water First

he translation of the given text from Bahasa to English while preserving the HTML tags is:


Translated: "Meaning: 'All praise be to Allah, the Lord of all worlds, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. The Master of the Day of Judgment. There is no god worthy of worship except Allah. He does whatever He wills. O Allah, You are Allah. There is no god worthy of worship except You. You are the Most Rich. While we are in need of You. So send down rain upon us. Make what You have sent down as strength and provision for us until the appointed day,' (Narrated by Abu Dawud)."

Prayer for Abundant Water in the Well

اَللَّهُمَّ أَغِثْنَا, اَللَّهُمَّ أَغِثْنَ扺llāhumma agitsnā, allāhumma agitsnā. Artinya: "Ya Allah, tolonglah kami. Ya Allah, tolonglah kami," (HR Muttafaq Alaih)

Prayer for the abundance of water in the well, third.

"Allahumma jallilna sahaban, katsifan, qashifan, daluqan, dhaquqan, thumthiruna minhu radzazan, qith-qithan, sajlan, ya dzal jalali wal ikram. Artinya: 'O Allah, spread rain over our land, thicken the clouds, with thunder that is loud, powerful, and bright; from one of those clouds, You shower us with heavy raindrops, drizzles, that evenly water the earth, O the Great and the Honorable One.' (HR Abu Awanah)"

"Tips to Save Water during the Dry Season"

"Drought season often leads to a decrease in water availability, so it is important to conserve water. Here are some tips that can help save water during the dry season:"

1. Check for Leaks

Make sure there are no leaks in pipes, faucets, or toilets. Even small leaks can cause significant water waste. So, it should be thoroughly checked.


2. Use Water Wisely

Turn off the tap when not in use, such as when brushing your teeth or washing your hands. Use the shower for a shorter duration. If washing dishes, use a basin to rinse instead of letting the water flow continuously.

Prayer for Abundant Well Water and Tips for Saving Water during the Dry Season

3. Use of Water in the Park

Water plants in the morning or afternoon to reduce evaporation. Use leftover water from washing vegetables or rice to water plants. Consider planting drought-resistant plants.

4. Utilization of Rainwater

If possible, install a rainwater harvesting system to be used in daily activities such as watering plants or cleaning the yard. In fact, the collected rainwater can be turned into clean drinking water if processed correctly.


5. Wash Vehicles Efficiently

Use a bucket and sponge to wash the car or motorcycle, not a continuously flowing water hose. Water can be collected first in the bucket. If using a water hose continuously, it will waste more water.

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