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Rumah Mungil Elon Musk, Dulu Tinggal di Istana Rp1 Triliun Kini Lebih Kecil dari RSS Tipe 21

"Small House of Elon Musk, Previously Residing in a Rp1 Trillion Palace, Now Smaller than RSS Type 21"

Elon Musk's Tiny House, Previously Lived in a Trillion Rupiah Palace, Now Smaller than RSS Type 21

Dream - As one of the richest people in the world, Elon Musk could buy the most luxurious house in this world. However, the owner of Tesla, Space-X, and other technology companies apparently chose a small house in Boca Chica, Texas.

Elon Musk's Tiny House, Previously Lived in a Trillion Rupiah Palace, Now Smaller than RSS Type 21

Although he has abundant wealth, Musk was recently reported to have bought a tiny house in Boca Chica, Texas. Despite Musk reportedly having a net worth of US$204.5 billion or around Rp3.2 quadrillion, a figure much larger than Indonesia's state budget (APBN).

Elon Musk's Tiny House, Previously Lived in a Trillion Rupiah Palace, Now Smaller than RSS Type 21

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The report\u00a0magicbricks\u00a0states that Elon Musk's small house was made by a start-up company, Boxabl, which has a concept of a foldable house with a construction time of only 1 hour. Musk only bought the house for US$50,000 or around Rp799 million."

Elon Musk's Tiny House, Previously Lived in a Trillion Rupiah Palace, Now Smaller than RSS Type 21

The reason Elon Musk chooses prefab houses is because they are considered environmentally friendly dwellings. The house has a minimalist style but is equipped with various facilities like a modern residence, which are minimized as much as possible.

That is also reinforced by SpaceX's ambitious mission to launch to the Moon and Mars and requires prefabrication home technology to succeed.

Elon Musk's Tiny House, Previously Lived in a Trillion Rupiah Palace, Now Smaller than RSS Type 21

It's no wonder that Musk invested his wealth in the prefab house. Moreover, he decided to sell all of his real estate assets worth more than US$100 million or around Rp1.5 trillion in 2022, except for his houses in San Francisco and Boca Chica. Although small in size, the house looks like a single studio apartment and has several rooms, namely a living room, bedroom, small kitchen area, and bathroom.

Elon Musk's Tiny House, Previously Lived in a Trillion Rupiah Palace, Now Smaller than RSS Type 21

The living room of Elon Musk's house has windows and a bedroom. It is designed to match his minimalist style. The kitchen of the house is also small in size and equipped with various facilities needed for a modern kitchen.

Elon Musk's Tiny House, Previously Lived in a Trillion Rupiah Palace, Now Smaller than RSS Type 21

The difference is, this kitchen does not have cabinets in the middle and only has a table that surrounds the entire kitchen area.

The kitchen appears to be filled with many shelf areas that can store all necessities. Elon Musk's tiny house also has a dining area that is integrated with the kitchen table and two minimalist-style chairs. In a post on the Instagram account @boxabl, it shows that his dwelling is designed in such a way to maximize every inch of space and maintain a comfortable interior despite its small size.

Elon Musk's Tiny House, Previously Lived in a Trillion Rupiah Palace, Now Smaller than RSS Type 21

According to Re-thinking The Future, Elon Musk used to own several properties throughout the Los Angeles area, United States, which if combined would be worth more than US$70 million or around Rp1 trillion.

One of them is a house in the Bel-Air Country Club area that he bought at the end of 2012 for US$17 million or Rp243.3 billion. The house has an area of 1,881 square meters with seven bedrooms and thirteen bathrooms.

Elon Musk's Tiny House, Previously Lived in a Trillion Rupiah Palace, Now Smaller than RSS Type 21
Elon Musk's Tiny House, Previously Lived in a Trillion Rupiah Palace, Now Smaller than RSS Type 21

In addition, the house has a stone brick ceiling, a swimming pool, a tennis court, as well as a beautiful and exclusive Bel-Air view. However, this property has been sold by Elon Musk to Chinese billionaire, William Ding, for US$29.72 million or Rp 425.4 billion. Report: Nisya Aprilya.

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