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The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags:

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Weird Action of a Man Seeking 'Shade' from the Hot Weather Causes Commotion Among Supermarket Visitors"

Dream - The above-average hot air that has been hitting Indonesia lately has indeed worried the residents. The air temperature feels so stifling that it has led many people to seek various ways to overcome it.

Sensational! Bizarre Action of a Man Seeking Shelter from the Hot Weather Makes Netizens Shocked
Sensational! Bizarre Action of a Man Seeking Shelter from the Hot Weather Makes Netizens Shocked

Some people drink a lot of plain water mixed with ice to cool their bodies. Meanwhile, those who have a lot of money choose to install air conditioning in their homes or vehicles.

For those who ride motorcycles, they are forced to stop and take shelter under the shady tree at the roadside. However, it is different from the way the man 'ngadem' in the video uploaded by the Instagram account @lambe_turah.

Sensational! Bizarre Action of a Man Seeking Shelter from the Hot Weather Makes Netizens Shocked

The man overcomes the discomfort caused by the hot air in an irrational way. Instead of taking shelter or drinking cold beverages, this man 'ngadem' by getting into a supermarket freezer.

Sensational! Bizarre Action of a Man Seeking Shelter from the Hot Weather Makes Netizens Shocked
Sensational! Bizarre Action of a Man Seeking Shelter from the Hot Weather Makes Netizens Shocked

In the 11-second video, a man can be seen daringly lying down on top of a freezer. The man appears to not be wearing complete clothing. He is only wearing underwear. Despite this, the man seems to be very comfortable sleeping on top of the supermarket freezer.

"So it's an Entertainment for Supermarket Visitors"

The man took a nap in a peculiar way due to the extremely hot weather outside the supermarket, which made him uncomfortable. The actions of the man, who is suspected to have a mental disorder (ODGJ), became a spectacle for the supermarket visitors. Nevertheless, the man ignored the people and continued to sleep peacefully.


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Sensational! Bizarre Action of a Man Seeking Shelter from the Hot Weather Makes Netizens Shocked
Sensational! Bizarre Action of a Man Seeking Shelter from the Hot Weather Makes Netizens Shocked

Because, the ODGJ was seen sleeping soundly on top of the freezer, as if lying on a soft mattress.

Unknown how the supermarket could be breached to the point where ODGJ could enter and sleep on top of the freezer. Until the video ends, no one dared to ask him to come down and drive ODGJ out of the freezer.

Sensational! Bizarre Action of a Man Seeking Shelter from the Hot Weather Makes Netizens Shocked

"Inviting Hilarious Comments from Netizens"

The following 'Bahasa' text translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Video of a man relieving his heat by sleeping on top of this supermarket freezer has gone viral and sparked various comments from netizens. "That's not just seeking shade, he's crazy." "Poor ice creams. Will they still be sellable?" "Why not just go inside the freezer?" "It's like being in grandma's house, so cool \ud83d\ude03." "Instantly traumatized from eating ice cream."

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Stressed Facing School Exams, This Student Runs Away and Goes Missing for a Week During a Storm, the Ending is Heartbreaking

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