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Tiba-Tiba Rasa Malas Menyerang? Amalkan Doa Ini dan Lakukan Cara-Cara Menghilangkannya agar Produktif Lagi

"Suddenly Feeling Lazy? Practice This Prayer and Follow These Ways to Overcome It and Become Productive Again"

Sure! Here’s the translated text while preserving the HTML tags: ```html Dream - The feeling of laziness often comes without any reason. This condition suddenly makes us disinterested in doing activities that are actually habits. When laziness strikes, we usually just want to lie down, watch, scroll through social media, or not want to do anything at all. However, this laziness, if continued, is not good. There are many activities that will eventually be postponed and accumulate. In the end, we ourselves will bear a heavier burden to complete them. Especially to the point of neglecting worship. ```

"In Islam, it is taught how to face this feeling of laziness by reciting a prayer to eliminate laziness. Dream friends can practice it when laziness strikes. Here is the prayer to eliminate laziness as summarized by Dream through various sources."

Suddenly Feeling Lazy? Practice This Prayer and Follow These Ways to Overcome It and Be Productive Again
Doa Menghilangkan Malas

The translation of "Doa Menghilangkan Malas" to English is "Prayer to Overcome Laziness".

"To eliminate laziness, it is taught to practice the prayer that was taught by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as mentioned in the hadith of Imam Bukhari from Anas bin Malik (may Allah be pleased with him):"

Certainly! Here is the translated text while preserving the HTML tags: "اللهم إني أعوذ بك من الكسل، وأعوذ بك من الجبن، وأعوذ بك من الهَرَم، وأعوذ بك من البخل.
Artinya: “Ya Allah sesungguhnya aku berlindung kepada-Mu dari rasa malas, dan aku berlindung kepada-Mu dari sikap pengecut, dan aku berlindung kepada-Mu dari pikun, dan aku berlindung kepada-Mu dari sifat pelit.”" Translation: "O Allah, indeed I seek refuge in You from laziness, and I seek refuge in You from cowardice, and I seek refuge in You from senility, and I seek refuge in You from stinginess.
Meaning: “O Allah, truly I seek refuge in You from laziness, and I seek refuge in You from cowardice, and I seek refuge in You from senility, and I seek refuge in You from stinginess.”"

The translation of "Cara Menghilangkan Rasa Malas" to English is "How to Overcome Laziness".

Here is the translation with HTML tags preserved: "Here are some ways that Dream friends can do to eliminate the sudden feeling of laziness:"

Cara Menghilangkan Rasa Malas

"1. Create a Plan and Schedule"

"It is important to plan your day, such as creating a detailed daily or weekly schedule. Then, prioritize which tasks are the most important and complete them first."


"2. Start with Small Steps"

"Dream friends can start with something small or a small action that is easy to kickstart momentum. You can use techniques, such as working for 25 minutes and then taking a 5-minute break. Repeat this cycle several times."

Suddenly Feeling Lazy? Practice This Prayer and Follow These Ways to Overcome It and Be Productive Again

"3. Create a Supportive Environment"

"Equally important is to create a supportive environment. That is by reducing distractions. Make sure your Dream workplace is clean and free from things that can divert your attention. In addition, get closer to productive people. This will be contagious to you."


"4. Improve Self-Motivation"

"Dream friends also need to boost self-motivation. For example, through visualization, which means imagining the positive results of the tasks you are working on. Then, give yourself a reward or recognition after completing certain tasks."


"5. Avoid Procrastination"

"As much as possible to avoid procrastinating. You can identify the causes of procrastination, namely finding out what makes you procrastinate and try to address it well. You can complete tasks starting from the most difficult ones in the morning when your energy is still full."

Suddenly Feeling Lazy? Practice This Prayer and Follow These Ways to Overcome It and Be Productive Again

"6. Maintain Focus and Consistency"

"Keep your focus well. Avoid multitasking, focus on one task at a time. Additionally, strive to always be consistent in your work routine."


"7. Maintain a Positive Mindset"

"Don't forget to always think positively. Avoid negative thoughts that can weaken the motivation of Dream friends. Give positive affirmations to boost enthusiasm and self-confidence."


"Overcoming laziness does require time and effort. But with the right steps and strong determination, Dream friends can increase productivity and achieve your goals."

Suddenly Feeling Lazy? Practice This Prayer and Follow These Ways to Overcome It and Be Productive Again
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